Islam |
2005 |
BBC Newsround’s’ Islam Week’ |
2005 |
Rowan Williams perverts scriptures |
2005 |
Could Bush learn from Lincoln? |
2006 |
‘Dear Muslim Neighbour’ |
2006 |
WWIII is raging – has anybody noticed?  |
2007 |
Faithful Unto Death |
2007 |
‘BBC Trust’ complicit in Islamic misinformation |
2008 |
The ‘peaceful’ face of Islam |
2008 |
An open fax to Archbishop Rowan Williams |
2008 |
The ‘Promised Prophet’ of Deuteronomy 18: Jesus Christ or Mohammed? |
2009 |
The intrinsic nature of Islam by former Muslim, Magdi Allam  |
2009 |
In Cairo President OBAMA betrayed Jesus Christ |
2009 |
Mr OBAMA, will you be stopping for tea in Pakistan? |
2009 |
Fort Hood Massacre: Don’t let the media or politicians ‘hoodwink’ you’ |
2012 |
Reflections on the ‘Dublin Debate’ with Muslim spokesman Adnan Rashid  |
2013 |
A few thoughts on the debate between A.Rashid (Muslim) and J.White  |
2013 |
‘Islamic Cardiology’ – truly deceitful!  |
2013 |
Rev John Dickinson’s questionable Radio Ulster ‘Thought for the Day’  |
2014 |
Pastor McConnell’s sermon on ISLAM in May  |
2014 |
SUFISM – The ‘peaceful charismatic face’ of Islam?  |
2015 |
Dreams, Visions, divine voices and appearances  |
2016 |
Did Jesus predict Mohammed?  |
2017 |
2017 |
2018 |
2020 |
2020 |