The Belfast Telegraph of Saturday 16th June 2012 carried an advert for “Revival ‘12”: ‘A celebration of music and faith’ to be held on Friday 28th September in The Odyssey, Belfast. It is being organised by ‘Revival Network UK’ and features musician Robin Mark and the man most associated with The Alpha Course, Nicky Gumbel.
As I write this article the Roman Catholic ‘World Eucharistic Congress’ is coming to an end in Dublin and Nicky Gumbel was an invited guest speaker at a pre-Congress meeting where he spoke on ‘Communion in our Common Baptism’ – based presumably upon the section in Vatican 2 that states in the “Decree on Ecumenism”, Chapter 1: paragraph 3 “in subsequent centuries… large communities became separated from full communion with the (Roman) Catholic Church… However one cannot charge with the sin of separation those who at present are born into these communities and in them are brought up in the faith of Christ, and the (Roman) Catholic Church accepts them with affection as brothers. For men, who believe in Christ and have been properly baptised are put in some, though imperfect communion with the (Roman) Catholic Church” – in response let me say loudly and clearly – I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and I have been ‘properly baptised’ in accordance with what the Scriptures teach and I am most certainly NOT in any sort of ‘communion’, imperfect or otherwise, with the Roman Catholic Church and furthermore no true Christian is either.