Dear praying friends,
Prominently and in the public eye we today have a President, a former Prime Minister and a purpose-driven Pastor all claiming allegiance to Jesus Christ. In this newsletter and enclosure you will read much about them and their common ‘vision’ for the future. Are they speaking and behaving, as true men of God ought to? It’s enlightening to note what C H Spurgeon wrote about Psalm 26:4-5 and its author, David – “So far from being himself an open offender against the laws of God, the Psalmist had not even associated with the lovers of evil. He had kept aloof from the men of Belial. A man is known by his company, and if we have kept ourselves apart from the wicked, it will always be evidence in our favour should our character be impugned… True citizens (of heaven) have no dealings with traitors. David had no seat in the parliament of triflers… We must needs see, and speak, and trade with men of the world, but we must on no account take our rest and solace in their empty society… as this vanity is often allied with falsehood… The congregation of the hypocrites is not one with which we should cultivate communion; their ultimate rendezvous will be the lowest pit of hell”. Social and political goals should never cause us to trifle with or compromise the uniqueness of the Person and work of the only Saviour of men, the Lord Jesus Christ – to do so is a mark of ‘sitting with vain persons’ (v 4) and ‘sitting with the wicked’ (v 5) – such intentions do not reveal men after God’s heart. May we all, like David “walk in His truth” (v 3).