Category Archives: Papacy



The following links will take you to videos of two talks I gave in Braehill Baptist Church on 24th and 25th May 2018. The preceding night a guest speaker had given a talk on “perilous times” and on the Sunday after my talks another guest speaker spoke on the coming ‘one-world religion’. In context, my two talks were very relevant as they certainly illustrate the “perilous times” we are living in and show how Rome is very much to the fore when it comes to ‘one-world religion’.

This is the link to my talk on ‘ECUMENISM’

NB When listing certain churches, I inadvertently referred to ‘Lisbellaw Baptist’ – I should have said ‘Lisbellaw Methodist’ whose minister at the time was a good friend, the late Tom Bodel.

This is the link to my talk on ‘THE PAPACY’

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 11 June 2018





No one needs to be told that the demographic makeup of the continent of Europe has been changing dramatically and rapidly over the past year or so with the influx (in reality in many cases – the invasion) of huge numbers of ‘migrants’.

Many countries have been severely, and again in many cases, adversely affected by the arrival of these people within their borders and across Europe many countries have already erected or are considering erecting fences on their borders to stop this movement of people.

Pope Francis has often spoken on these matters and has on occasions visited key locations where these ‘migrants’ have been arriving. Many people have been left scratching their heads when they have listened to his comments on this ‘migration’ question so just what exactly is going on?

My good friend Shaun Willcock of Bible Based Ministries closely monitors the activities and strategies of The Vatican and he has just published a very enlightening article that addresses this very question of why Pope Francis is doing and saying what he does on this whole question.

I commend this article to you and it can be accessed on

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 19 May 2016


CRI : Misleadingly ‘soft’ on Roman Catholicism

CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Misleadingly ‘soft’ on Roman Catholicism

CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Misleadingly ‘soft’ on Roman Catholicism


In the early years after my conversion and, with a growing interest in ‘apologetics’, I soon became aware of the work of the Christian Research Institute and its ‘leading light’, its founder and director, the late Dr. Walter Martin. Over a number of years I regularly subscribed to and received their ministry magazine that contained many helpful articles on various cults and non-Christian religions.

However, I was saddened, disappointed and dare I say it, even shocked, by a series of articles they published in 1993 (some 4 years after the death of Dr Martin) on the subject of Roman Catholicism. Whilst their analysis of that religion was at times helpful, the eventual conclusions that they reached seemed to me to be dangerously misleading and evidenced a ‘soft’ approach to the subject under consideration.

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POPE FRANCIS and SYNCRETISM – All Roads Leading To God?

POPE FRANCIS and SYNCRETISM - All Roads Leading To God?

POPE FRANCIS and SYNCRETISM – All Roads Leading To God?


On Tuesday 5th January 2016 Pope Francis published a first-ever video outlining his ‘prayer intentions’ and he called upon people to ‘spread my prayer request this month’. The content of that video has caused quite a stir and you can read a full account of it and the reaction to it by going to –

There is a link to the video at the foot of the article but, just as a back-up, this link will also let you see what the Pope had to say –

Crucial statements in the Christian News article read as follows

Pope Francis called for dialogue and collaboration among those of the various world religions on Tuesday, asserting that they are simply “seeking or meeting God in different ways”…

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The Pope of Rome in Africa 2015: Why now?

The Pope of Rome in Africa 2015: Why now?

The Pope of Rome in Africa 2015: Why now?


Earlier this year my good brother in Christ, Shaun Willcock, of ‘Bible
Based Ministries’ in South Africa wrote a detailed and comprehensive
article assessing the Papal visit to America that had just taken place. It
was titled –

“The Pope of Rome in America 2015: Why now?”
and it could be accessed on –

and was I know appreciated by many.

In a similar vein and following the recent Papal visit to Africa Shaun has
just published another article entitled –

“The Pope of Rome in Three African Countries 2015: Why now?”

and it can be accessed on

I trust that once more it may be helpful to many.

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 15th December 2015


The Pope of Rome in America 2015: Why now?

The Pope of Rome in America 2015: Why now?

The Pope of Rome in America 2015: Why now?


My good brother in Christ, Shaun Willcock, of ‘Bible Based Ministries’ in South Africa has written a detailed and comprehensive article assessing the recent Papal visit to America. It is titled –

“The Pope of Rome in America 2015: Why now?”

It is lengthy, so may be best read ‘in stages’ – but it is VERY well worth reading. It can be accessed on –

 Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 2nd October 2015