Category Archives: Unitarianism

Unitarian Christmas Carol


As a hopefully helpful backdrop to this article perhaps I could invite you, the reader, if you have not already done so, to read the article UNITARIANISM that was posted to the ministry web site last year. This link will take you to that article –

In that article you will see that UNITARIANISM views the Lord Jesus Christ as merely a man and not the God-Man revealed to us in God’s Word (1 Timothy 3:16). That error is very much to the fore in what we will consider later in this article. Over the 2017 Christmas festive season my attention was drawn to the fact that a reasonably well-known and popular Christmas carol, ‘It came upon the midnight clear’ was written by a UNITARIAN minister called Edmund Sears. I was given a copy of a letter published recently in Evangelicals Now in which the author (Professor Colin Reeves, Thurlaston, Rugby, who kindly agreed to my quoting him) wrote

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A recent edition of the BBC’s ‘Songs of Praise’ contained a short feature on the famous authoress Beatrix Potter and what caught my attention was the reference made to the fact that she was a UNITARIAN. A few days prior to the broadcast marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter and helpful information can be found on this article

This is a religious grouping that I have rarely made mention of in my writings and so this article seeks to address that ‘omission’.

Whilst there are some officially designated ‘Unitarian’ churches in Ireland, here in Northern Ireland another group of churches that would closely ‘fit the description’ of UNITARIAN would be those of the Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church (One of these churches – ‘All Souls’ in Elmwood Avenue in Belfast regularly hosts a ‘service’ for the LGBT community on the day after their ‘Pride Parade’ through Belfast – details for 2016 can be seen on

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