Category Archives: Islam
RAMADAN: As seen by ‘British Elite’
BETHEL ‘Church’ in Redding, California and the HILLSONG grouping headquartered in Australia rely HEAVILY on music and ‘worship pastors’ to entice people, especially, young people, to attend their ‘services’.
I was recently sent a link to the following video and it is a clear example of the type of heretical ‘doctrine’ and ‘theology’ being promoted by so-called ‘worship pastors or leaders’ at BETHEL. This is the link –
The intrinsic nature of Islam by former Muslim, Magdi Allam
On Monday 12th March 2007 I gave a talk to an assembled meeting of Presbyterian Ruling Elders from various congregations in Co Antrim in Northern Ireland. I chose to speak to them on the subject of ‘Islam’ as of course the Islamic presence in Northern Ireland is growing steadily. In November of this year (2008) I was once more in the company of one of the elders who had organised the invitation for me to speak and he told me that in the wake of my talk he had received a phone call from a female ‘ruling elder’ that had been in attendance at the meeting. She wanted to express her concern at the approach I had taken in my talk and felt that I was suffering from and promoting Islamophobia.
ALF McCREARY says The Koran does not sanction violence:
Monday 22nd May 2017 was a day of murderous infamy in Manchester as a Jihadi suicide bomber blew himself up as a pop concert audience was beginning to leave the Manchester Arena.
ALF McCREARY, the Religious Affairs correspondent of the Belfast Telegraph addressed this atrocity in his column on Saturday 27th May 2017 and in it made a totally ludicrous claim that Jihadi violence is not sanctioned by The Koran.
Having read his article I was moved to post the following on Facebook which demonstrates clearly that Mr McCreary does not know what he is talking (writing) about. This was my post –
No one needs to be told that the demographic makeup of the continent of Europe has been changing dramatically and rapidly over the past year or so with the influx (in reality in many cases – the invasion) of huge numbers of ‘migrants’.
Many countries have been severely, and again in many cases, adversely affected by the arrival of these people within their borders and across Europe many countries have already erected or are considering erecting fences on their borders to stop this movement of people.
Pope Francis has often spoken on these matters and has on occasions visited key locations where these ‘migrants’ have been arriving. Many people have been left scratching their heads when they have listened to his comments on this ‘migration’ question so just what exactly is going on?
My good friend Shaun Willcock of Bible Based Ministries closely monitors the activities and strategies of The Vatican and he has just published a very enlightening article that addresses this very question of why Pope Francis is doing and saying what he does on this whole question.
I commend this article to you and it can be accessed on
Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 19 May 2016
Did Jesus predict Mohammed?
This short article is simply a reprint of a post I made today on FACEBOOK but I felt it should be reproduced as an article on the ministry web site because of the relevance of the topic. There are ‘voices’ trying to ‘marry together’ the religion of Christianity and the ideology of Islam – they are deceiving ‘voices’ and must be firmly and biblically resisted and that is my hope for this article.
‘Dreams, visions, divine voices and appearances’
Many claims are made in contrasting realms of professing Christianity, from the extreme hyper-charismatic wing to the conservative missionary-minded wing, that God is still today communicating with people via extra-biblical means such as ‘dreams, visions, divine voices and appearances’.
On 9th June 2015 Phil Johnson, Executive Director of “Grace to You” (linked to John MacArthur) was interviewed on this topic by Chris Arnzen, host of the Christian radio program called ‘Iron Sharpens Iron’.