Category Archives: CRI

CRI : Misleadingly ‘soft’ on Roman Catholicism

CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Misleadingly ‘soft’ on Roman Catholicism

CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Misleadingly ‘soft’ on Roman Catholicism


In the early years after my conversion and, with a growing interest in ‘apologetics’, I soon became aware of the work of the Christian Research Institute and its ‘leading light’, its founder and director, the late Dr. Walter Martin. Over a number of years I regularly subscribed to and received their ministry magazine that contained many helpful articles on various cults and non-Christian religions.

However, I was saddened, disappointed and dare I say it, even shocked, by a series of articles they published in 1993 (some 4 years after the death of Dr Martin) on the subject of Roman Catholicism. Whilst their analysis of that religion was at times helpful, the eventual conclusions that they reached seemed to me to be dangerously misleading and evidenced a ‘soft’ approach to the subject under consideration.

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