Category Archives: Billy Graham

THE CHURCH: Satan’s Sustained Subversion

THE CHURCH : Satan’s Sustained Subversion

THE CHURCH : Satan’s Sustained Subversion


On 19th March 2013 Dr E S Williams (author of the excellent book ‘The New Calvinists: Changing the Gospel’) gave a very informative, enlightening and topical talk on how Satan has been continually seeking to subvert the truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In his talk he charts the impact upon the true Gospel of the likes of ‘Higher Criticism’, ‘New Evangelicalism’, ‘The Church Growth Movement’, ‘The Purpose Driven Movement’, ‘The Lausanne Movement’ and ‘The Emerging Church Movement’.

Dr Williams identifies key figures who have been involved in this sustained subversion – people like Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller, Billy Graham, John Stott, Rick Warren, Tim Keller, and Mark Driscoll to name but some.

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News From The Front – June 1997

Dear praying friends,

Over recent months the size of the mailing list has grown dramatically and in consequence the costs involved in issuing “News From The Front” have naturally risen also. With this issue of “News From The Front” I am trying to update the MAILING LIST and if there is a special letter enclosed with your issue I would ask you to please give it your attention and if you wish to receive future issues (DV) be sure to return the reply slip at the end of the letter – we wish to be good stewards of God’s provision. You will also find a separate letter concerning a “Take Heed” Mission Fund which has been launched and I would stress that any gifts for this should be made payable to ‘Take Heed’ Mission Fund so as to distinguish them from gifts in support of ‘Take Heed’ Ministries. The pace of spiritual deception is increasing rapidly and the pressures in countering such deceptions seem to intensify as each day passes – your practical and prayerful support mean much to us.

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News From The Front – February 1997

Dear praying friends,

As stated in my last newsletter I issued invitations to a number of pastors and ministers to see if they would be willing to act as a Council of Reference for “Take Heed” Ministries and I am delighted to report that all have accepted my invitation and I look forward to working along with these brothers in Christ who have already in times past encouraged Margaret and I in the work to which God has called us.

I also mentioned the plan to issue ‘News From The Front’ three times each year so the timescale will be February, June and October each year (DV).

Enclosed with this issue is the leaflet which is being circulated to advertise the up-coming visit of Frank Eberhardt and I would ask you to keep these meetings much in prayer and of course if you can get to any we would be delighted to see you. Your prayers for talks on various cults which I will be giving (DV) in May (26th-30th) in 2nd Newtownards Presbyterian Church are coveted. Margaret and I return grateful thanks to those who sent practical tokens of support in recent months and pray that all our readers will know much of God’s blessing in 1997.

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