Category Archives: Evolution
EVOLUTION: Rejected by God’s Word
My finalisation of this article is very timely in the light of a programme being broadcast on BBC 2 television this very evening. It is going out at 9.00 pm and is titled ‘The Day the Dinosaurs Died’.
In the listing for it we read ‘Documentary examining the asteroid strike 66 million years ago’.
In a separate write-up promoting it we read ‘’What really caused dinosaurs to disappear from the face of the earth, 66 million years ago? In this documentary, Alice Roberts and Ben Garrod catch up with an international scientific expedition that is revealing startling new evidence about one of the most mysterious vanishing acts in our planet’s history’.
The BBC are of course the consummate cheer-leaders for ‘Big-Bang’, ‘Old-Earth’ and ‘Evolution’ (annoyingly at our expense) so don’t be expecting any support for the truth of God’s wonderful 6-day creation as revealed to us in His Word, the Bible.
A Total Eclipse of the Sun
The Apostle Paul instructed Timothy in 2nd Timothy 2:2 with these words
“And the things that thou hast heard from me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also”
Over recent years I have increasingly come to the firm conviction that we are living in days when the preservation and transmission of God’s “truth” (John 17:17) has fallen into the hands of many who are not “faithful men who shall be able to teach others also”.
An area where this ‘truth war’ has manifested itself is the whole subject of ‘origins’ – God has in the opening chapters of Genesis outlined the truth concerning what are termed ‘origins’ – that He is the creator of all and that He carried out His creative work in six 24-hour days.
With the ‘advent’ of Darwin’s theory of evolution that divine-creative truth has increasingly been challenged by the secular and increasingly atheistic world. In addition, in recent decades, there have been increasing numbers within professing Christendom who have sought to come to some sort of ‘accommodation’ with this theory and so have posited the view of ‘Theistic Evolution’.
I think right at the outset of this article that it is necessary for me to say that in relation to the title, ‘Evolution Creates Liars’, my ‘target audience’ is very much those who on the one hand affirm that the Bible is The Word of God and then on the other hand deny the truth of 6-day creation, preferring rather to perhaps give their allegiance and support to ‘Theistic Evolution’. I will be quite up-front now in saying that for me, holding such a position, calls into great question that person’s claim to be a faithful Christian – it’s as serious as that. Why do I come to that conclusion? Well, shortly I will outline just some of the consequences of a professing Christian claiming to believe in ‘THEISTIC EVOLUTION’ but, to begin with –
Dr Keith McCrory: Echoing the ‘Vatican View’ on Evolution and Creation
Maynooth Community Church: Dr Keith McCrory:
Echoing the ‘Vatican View’ on Evolution and Creation
Back on 18th October 2011 I posted an article to the ministry web site entitled –
Maynooth Community Church: Promoting the Jesuit Cause
The link to that particular article is – and in it I related how the minister of the church (the latest congregation to be admitted into the Presbyterian Church in Ireland), Dr Keith McCrory had arranged a special conference where the guest speaker, a fellow Presbyterian minister colleague, Tom Wilson, had been lined up to extol ‘the (infamous) virtues’ of the ‘Spiritual Exercises’ of Ignatius Loyola (founder of the Jesuits).
It has now been brought to my attention that in a magazine called VOX, published in that same month of October 2011, there appeared an article by Dr Keith McCrory entitled –
ADULTERY: ‘Evolutionary Claims’ versus ‘Christ’s Explanation
It is both interesting and usually frustrating (from a Christian standpoint) to often hear people on television (usually psychologists or behavioural experts) trying to explain why people do some of the terrible things that are reported on our screens. In many cases the cause is attributed by them to some ‘deficiency’ in the person’s upbringing like poverty, a lack of parental love, poor education of some other social factor and influence. Whilst in some cases these factors could possibly have triggered bad behaviour they are (from a Christian standpoint) not the root cause of the problem, for this very simple reason, that people raised in affluent situations, who enjoyed parental love and who received a good education have often displayed the very same bad behaviour. So why is it that people do what they do?
News From The Front – June 2010
Dear praying friends,
I want to begin by saying a very big ‘thank you’ to the many folks who contacted me in the wake of the personal letter that I enclosed with my March newsletter. I was very touched by the expressions of concern and also helped much by the constructive comments and suggestions. As I said in that letter I hope to include a further letter with my September newsletter [DV]. We are still considering a number of possible options concerning the future and ministry so please do continue to pray on that the Lord will make His will for us ‘crystal clear’.
Whatever circumstances unfold in our lives we will endeavour to adopt the following (latter) attitude – this quote was passed on to me by a good Pastor friend who jotted it down when his church hosted a visiting missionary. The missionary said “Circumstances can come between us and our faith in God, OR we can put our faith in God between us and our circumstances”.
Worldwide there is much uncertainty ‘in the air’ at present but as children of the living God may we, through faith, know that peace that passeth all understanding.
Creation-believing Christians labelled ‘certifiably deranged’
The ‘Letters’ page of the Belfast Telegraph has in recent weeks been ‘red hot’ with letters and comments on Biblical topics such as The Ark and The Flood, The parting of the Red Sea and of course the ongoing ‘debate’ of creation v evolution. This latter was in particular fuelled by a request from one of our local politicians, Nelson McCausland, [an Evangelical Christian] that the recently refurbished Ulster Museum should broaden its ‘origins’ section to include Biblical Creationism, a view that is held to by a sizable percentage of the population in Northern Ireland.
News From The Front – September 2009
Dear praying friends,
Prominently and in the public eye we today have a President, a former Prime Minister and a purpose-driven Pastor all claiming allegiance to Jesus Christ. In this newsletter and enclosure you will read much about them and their common ‘vision’ for the future. Are they speaking and behaving, as true men of God ought to? It’s enlightening to note what C H Spurgeon wrote about Psalm 26:4-5 and its author, David – “So far from being himself an open offender against the laws of God, the Psalmist had not even associated with the lovers of evil. He had kept aloof from the men of Belial. A man is known by his company, and if we have kept ourselves apart from the wicked, it will always be evidence in our favour should our character be impugned… True citizens (of heaven) have no dealings with traitors. David had no seat in the parliament of triflers… We must needs see, and speak, and trade with men of the world, but we must on no account take our rest and solace in their empty society… as this vanity is often allied with falsehood… The congregation of the hypocrites is not one with which we should cultivate communion; their ultimate rendezvous will be the lowest pit of hell”. Social and political goals should never cause us to trifle with or compromise the uniqueness of the Person and work of the only Saviour of men, the Lord Jesus Christ – to do so is a mark of ‘sitting with vain persons’ (v 4) and ‘sitting with the wicked’ (v 5) – such intentions do not reveal men after God’s heart. May we all, like David “walk in His truth” (v 3).