Category Archives: Dallas Willard

Is DALLAS WILLARD to be trusted when he writes about “HEARING GOD”?

Is DALLAS WILLARD to be trusted  when he writes about “HEARING GOD”?

Is DALLAS WILLARD to be trusted when he writes about “HEARING GOD”?


In a recent article I wrote called  

Can ‘BROTHER LAWRENCE’ be viewed as a true ‘BROTHER IN CHRIST’?

I directed folks to the excellent (second edition) book by Ray Yungen which is called ‘A Time of departing’. In that book Mr. Yungen also made reference to Dallas Willard.

On page 156 Ray Yungen wrote – ‘In the back of The Emerging Church (a book by Dan Kimball) under the recommended resources section, Kimball lists several books written by contemplatives. Some of these include Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas, Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard, Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli, In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen,Boof of Uncommon Prayer by Steve Case and Four Views of the Church in Postmodern Culture by Leonard Sweet. All of these authors share one thing in common – the belief that we need the silence to draw close to God and that silence is reached through contemplative prayer’

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