Category Archives: Church Of God

CHURCH of GOD International


This group which is based in Tyler, Texas, USA has in recent years been seeking to extend its influence in the UK and Europe through the efforts of a Mr James McBride who is based in Lincoln, England. This group was founded by Garner Ted Armstrong, son of Herbert W. Armstrong who founded The Worldwide Church of God which produces the glossy magazine ‘The Plain Truth’ and puts out a satellite TV broadcast each Sunday called ‘The World Tomorrow’.

In fact, my first introduction to Garner Ted Armstrong was during my teenage years when I used to listen to the pop music station – Radio Luxembourg and Garner Ted used to present a 15-minute programme on behalf of his father’s church and the programme was called ‘The World Tomorrow’.

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News From The Front – March 2010

Dear praying friends,

Last October (2009) marked the 20th anniversary of my leaving secular employment to seek the Lord’s will for full-time Christian service and God willing this coming September (2010) will mark the 20th anniversary of the founding of ‘Take Heed’ Ministries. Enclosed with this newsletter is a personal letter to all on the mailing list indicating that another ‘landmark’ event is now showing up on the radar of my life – an event that may signal some changes in the future strategy and functioning of ‘Take Heed’. Time is such a precious gift from God – Moses saw his life divided up into 3 ‘chapters’ of 40 years each and without doubt the first 2 ‘chapters’ [Egypt and Midian] prepared and equipped him for probably the greatest ‘chapter’ of all – the last one when he was commissioned by God to go to Egypt and secure the release of God’s people from their bondage and to lead them towards the Promised Land. Bearing this in mind the words of Moses as recorded in Psalm 90:12 – “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” – clearly come from the heart of one who had learnt this great truth along his journey of life. C H Spurgeon commented ‘It is most meet (fitting) that the heart which will so soon cease to beat should while it moves be regulated by wisdom’s hand. A short life should be wisely spent.’ John MacArthur commented ‘The Psalmist had the right perspective in Psalm 90:12… Wisdom numbers the days, sees the limited time and buys the opportunity. Don’t be foolish – shun opportunities for evil, but seize opportunities for good’. These words have been easy for me to type and for you to read – may God help us all to apply the wisdom learnt as our days unfold. May you all know His blessing in 2010 and beyond [DV].

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