Category Archives: GOD TV

Christian Broadcasting – Imbibe or Ignore?

Linked to article on –


(1) @ about 52.43 I said Paul Crouch died in November 2003 – I meant to say 2013:

(2) @ about 55.44 I read a quote about ‘STUFF’ and inadvertently said it was by Kenneth Copeland – I mean to say it was by Creflo Dollar:


Braehill Baptist meetings available to watch



The meetings were recorded and herewith are details of how you can watch each meeting (along with a few brief ‘comments’ or ‘corrections’).

Meeting One: ‘Christian’ Broadcasting: Imbibe or Ignore?

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The ongoing diabolical debacle of ‘GOD TV’

Back in June 2008 at the height of the Todd Bentley so-called ‘healing revival’ in Lakeland Florida I posted an article to our web site on this link –

Todd Bentley and GOD TV

In that article I told how ‘GOD TV’, promoted by Rory and Wendy Alec, were fully endorsing and broadcasting the antics of Todd Bentley in Florida.

In my article I also provided a link to the video of a talk given in 2005 by my invited guest, Alan Morrison, when he addressed for me the topic ‘GOD TV: Helpful or Harmful?’

During the course of Alan’s talk we showed video of an April 2004 fund-raising broadcast by ‘GOD TV’ that was truly diabolically disturbing – in particular the rantings and ravings of Wendy Alec herself.

In recent days the Alecs have once more been seeking to raise funds for ‘GOD TV’ and sadly their antics are equally as diabolical and disturbing as in times past. You can watch a segment of their latest appeal for funds below. 

Todd Bentley and GOD TV

What’s’ ‘the pedigree’ of GOD TV?

Currently the so-called ‘revival’ claimed to be taking place in Lakeland, Florida and orchestrated for the most part by TODD BENTLEY is receiving vast worldwide live television coverage via GOD TV that was founded by Rory & Wendy Alec. TODD BENTLEY and other speakers have paid many tributes to  GOD TV  from the platform(s) in Lakeland. 

In April 2005 I invited Alan Morrison who had produced many helpful materials at the time of the so-called ‘Toronto Blessing’ to come here and speak in a number of churches on the subject – 

If you click on the following link you will be able to view the talk that Alan gave and I believe what you will see and hear should be important factors to be taken into consideration when evaluating whether or not what is happening in Lakeland is truly ‘of God’.

Todd Bentley & his ‘Healing Revival’ in Florida


A helpful book for such a deception as this:

‘True To His Ways’ by Ruth Davis.

In recent weeks I have had a number of inquiries concerning a supposed ‘Healing Revival’ taking place in Lakeland, Florida under the ‘ministry’ of Todd Bentley.

I was first alerted to these happenings when an inquirer sent me a copy of a ‘personal update’ that had been issued by Mr Bentley. This is that ‘update’ –

Ignited Church revival with Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley

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Belfast Beware – Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn are coming here shortly

It was during the second half of 2004 that I felt led of the Lord to invite someone to come to Belfast to speak on the topic of ‘GOD [channel] TV: helpful or Harmful’. Initially a speaker and series of meetings were provisionally planned for the end of January 2005 but the Lord over-ruled in both instances [the speaker and timing] and so now this topic is to be addressed by Alan Morrison in a series of meetings planned for 2nd-19th April [DV].

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