‘Emerge Wales’


Today I received an email asking me if I had any information on a movement calling itself ‘Emerge Wales’. Set out below is the email I received together with a copy of my reply to that email. At the end of the article [immediately after my reply email] I have also included the full downloaded sections from the ‘Emerge Wales’ web site that I refer to in the email. I have also included a little scriptural anecdote that came to mind based on the National flag of Wales from where this movement originates.

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 7th October 2009

  • Subject: Emerge wales
  • Date: 07/10/2009 00:17:10 GMT Daylight Time
  • From:
  • Reply To:

Dear Brother Cecil,

Do you have any information on ‘Emerge Wales’ – a movement that came out of Wales? I am interested to know about this so-called movement – I believe they are no different from the whole TB and Lakeland influences.

Thank you for looking into the above request.

Every Blessing – K

  • Subject: Re: Emerge wales
  • Date:
  • 07/10/2009 09:49:18 GMT Daylight Time
  • From: Takeheed
  • Reply To:
  • To:

Dear K,

Many thanks for your email. ‘Emerge Wales’ was new to me so I’ve visited their web site and they seem to be just the latest group of deceived people to ‘swallow’ the hyper-charismatic deception that seems to regularly resurface every decade or so.

Shortly I’ll copy into this email some extracts from their web site and insert in red some comments that I hope will be helpful.

If you come across any more information about this group feel free to keep me posted.

Your servant for Christ

Following are the extracts from the ‘Emerge Wales’ web site and my added comments.

Joanne Gravell is one a kind! She carries an explosive anointing of joy, ecstasy and revelation. After years of following and honouring the ministry of Rodney Howard Brown, [Rodney Howard Browne was the self-appointed ‘holy ghost bartender’ who brought us the demonic uncontrolled laughter that was an integral part of the so-called ‘Toronto Blessing’- if you go to this article – Mandate 2008 and scroll down to the section headed ‘Colin Dye and Rodney Howard Browne’ there is in that section a link to “Wembley Conference extracts” and if you click on that link you can see about 9 minutes of Rodney Howard Browne ‘in action’]

If you go to this Article – ‘Todd Bentley – Toronto Blessing’ at the very end of the article there is a link where you can view extracts of the ‘goings-on’ at the 1st anniversary service held in Toronto in 1995 when all these types of ‘goings on’ were in evidence there and then] of the glory of Christ, and when she preaches [preaching is for MEN only according to God’s Word] it’s like you’ve never heard the gospel before.

Phil & Sarah [Smith] are part of a new generation of wild fire prophets [As the church was “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone” Ephesians 2:20 – there are NO PROPHETS in this age] rising in England. Living in Sheffield, Phil & Sarah want to see a broken people on the margins of society changed by Jesus’ love. Phil carries a strong ability to open up people to their prophetic destiny especially moving in power on the streets. Following an angelic encounter [what type of angel in the light of 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15?] in Wales he has seen many healings and words of knowledge.

Jane [Schroeder] is a new mystic, joyful prayer warrior and a Holy Ghost lightning rod [I don’t think Paul lists ‘Holy Ghost lightning rods’ amongst the offices in the church as we read in Ephesians 4:11] from Liverpool. Jane has travelled all over the country as part of the Emerge team and is now regularly seen whacking the masses at our events (sometimes in a nun’s costume [why would any TRUE child of God want to dress-up as one of the legion of lost, deluded Roman Catholic nuns?] – yeah she’s nuts!).

[These last people mentioned – the Smiths and Jane Schroeder are showing evidence of being deluded by the type of occultic forces that are clearly identified in the excellent book ‘True To His Ways’ by Ruth Davis. This book can be ordered from Ruth via her web site of  http://www.truetohisways.com/ ]

LINKS – John & Lily Crowder

Author of the best selling New Mystics, John is an expert on church history & a rising prophetic voice to the church today. Often misunderstood John is the real deal. He carries more than a message. He is a wild fire starter! We love John

A number of critiques of the ‘ministry’ of the Crowders are found on these links




The following are the actual downloaded extracts from the ‘Emerge Wales’ web site http://www.emergewales.com/

  • Phil & Sarah Smith, Sheffield, England

Phil & Sarah are part of a new generation of wild fire prophets rising in England. Living in Sheffield, Phil & Sarah want to see a broken people on the margins of society changed by Jesus’ love. Phil carries a strong ability to open up people to their prophetic destiny especially moving in power on the streets. Following an angelic encounter in Wales he has seen many healings and words of knowledge. God is using Phil to impact the people on the streets, but more than that he is a rising prophetic voice in the nation who is pushing the boundaries of our time. He is an open door for angelic activity and signs and wonders.

The web site photograph of Phil & Sarah Smith posted by them and previously included in this article has been removed from this article upon receipt of the following email on 5th August 2010 from presumably Phil Smith

  • Date: 05/08/2010 11:11:26 GMT Daylight Time
  • From: Reply To:

Dear sir/ madam,

The following page from your website contains the use of pictures which are in clear violation of the owner’s rights:


The picture of “Phil and Sarah Smith” MUST be removed from the page mentioned above IMMEDIATELY. The use of this picture on your site is in clear violation of the owner’s rights and appropriate legal action will taken if the picture remains on your site illegally.

If you fail to remove the picture by the 10th August 2010 the details concerning the owner of the website and “Take Heed Ministries”: Cecil Andrews, 29 Edengrove Park, Ballynahinch, BT24 8AL, Northern Ireland will be passed on to solicitors who you will hear from next.


Mr P Smith

I assume that the Smith’s did not feel that the teaching of 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 applied in peacefully resolving this issue.

  • Jane (and Ruth) Schroeder, Liverpool, England

Jane is a new mystic, joyful prayer warrior and a Holy Ghost lightning rod from Liverpool (pictured above right with her lovely daughter Ruth on the left). Jane has travelled all over the country as part of the Emerge team and is now regularly seen whacking the masses at our events (sometimes in a nun’s costume – yeah she’s nuts!).

John & Lily Crowder www.thenewmystics.org Author of the best selling New Mystics, John is an expert on church history & a rising prophetic voice to the church today. Often misunderstood John is the real deal. He carries more than a message. He is a wild fire starter! We love John!

  • A biblical anecdote

For any readers not familiar with the country of Wales I downloaded the following about the national flag of Wales from http://www.wales-calling.com/culture/flag.htm

The Welsh Flag with the dragon of Wales

The diabolical nature of the claims made on the ‘Emerge Wales’ web site coupled with the emblem on the Welsh national flag reminded me of the verse in Revelation 20:2 “And he [a genuine angel from heaven] laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent. who is the Devil and Satan”.