Just about this time last year [August 2008] the badly misnamed ‘Healing Revival’ in Lakeland, Florida was about to enter its death throes. The so-called anointed healer, Todd Bentley, would shortly be exposed as a drunken adulterer. Just a few weeks earlier on 23rd June 2008 a group of some 17 self-appointed ‘Apostles’ and ‘Prophets’ had made their way to Lakeland to take part in a ridiculous ‘commissioning service’ for both Mr Bentley and his soon to be forsaken and divorced wife Shonnah. A helpful account of this farcical event can be found on the web site of ‘Let Us Reason Ministries’ on http://letusreason.org/Latrain54.htm
It was during the second half of 2004 that I felt led of the Lord to invite someone to come to Belfast to speak on the topic of ‘GOD [channel] TV: helpful or Harmful’. Initially a speaker and series of meetings were provisionally planned for the end of January 2005 but the Lord over-ruled in both instances [the speaker and timing] and so now this topic is to be addressed by Alan Morrison in a series of meetings planned for 2nd-19th April [DV].
Shortly after his conversion in the early 1980’s, Swedish student Torbjorn Swartling came under the influence of Word-Faith preacher, Ulf Ekman who had just returned from the United States where he had been studying at Kenneth Hagin’s bible school. This was to lead Torbjorn into what he considered to be ‘the last great Christian revival on earth’ [p18]. However doubts began to surface and for the next years his spiritual life was like a yo-yo – a mixture of ‘highs’ and ‘lows’.
Dear praying friends,
In a short time most of the world will be working itself into a frenzy as humanity prepares to bid farewell to the 1900’s. The world today is not overwhelmed by atheists – most people have an attachment to some kind of spiritual philosophy – but in reality they fall into the category of “having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof” [2 Tim.3:5]. What is “the power” they deny – it is what is described as “the power of God unto salvation” in Romans 1:16. Most spiritual people today reject “the gospel of Christ”. Not only are these rejecters found amongst the non-Christian religions, false cults and New Age Movement but also amongst supposed Christian groups such as Roman Catholicism, Orthodox and Protestant denominations and the Word- Faith Movement. A grand coalition of many of these “gospel of Christ” rejecters is taking shape under the Primacy of the Pope and would appear to be gathering momentum and going forward in unstoppable fashion but their fate is assured. Through the preaching of the true “gospel of Christ” Christ’s true church will be built and the forces opposed to Him will one day be destroyed with the brightness of His coming. Until then let us “take heed” to our Lord’s instruction “Occupy, till I come” [Luke 19:13] and may our prayer be as we say farewell to this particular era “Even so, come Lord Jesus” [Rev.22:20].
Dear praying friends,
A lot of miles have been safely covered both on land and in the air since last I wrote to you (thank you for your faithfulness in prayer) and I will be reporting on these travels in this newsletter. It would appear that for the time being I will be reverting back to 4 newsletters per year so as we again approach the end of another year Margaret and I together wish you God’s blessing for the remainder of 1998 and on into 1999.
This year has been the usual mix of highs and lows but through it all our unchanging God has been our constant source of comfort and strength. We are deeply grateful to the many who constantly pray for the work and provide for us in many thoughtful and practical ways. Please pray that during 1999 (DV) we will be sensitive to God’s leading and that whatever is undertaken in His name will bring glory to Him.
In conclusion ponder this wonderful promise to the true children of God “their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 8:12;10:17).
Dear praying friends,
This newsletter is being issued now and not in October, as I have been invited to take part in a 2-evening debate in Fresno, California on the subjects of ‘Sola Scriptura’ and ‘The Papacy’ and I will (DV) be partnering Rob Zins against 2 Roman Catholic apologist. YOUR PRAYERS ARE COVETED for this event scheduled for 19th and 20th of September. Upon my return (DV) I will be quickly launched into the meetings arranged for the visit of Frank Eberhardt and the leaflet giving details of his schedule is enclosed. The ministry has received a wonderful gift of a brand new computer/printer and modem [for internet use] and I am currently trying to learn how to best use this equipment and hopefully my next newsletter will be prepared on it so you may see some changes. Already communication and access to resource material has been increased greatly by this marvelous gift. Pastor William Houston has moved on from my own church and 1 want to thank him for his contribution during his time as a member of the Council of Reference and to wish him and his family well for the future.Yours servant for Christ. Cecil Andrews.
Dear praying friends,
The death of Diana, Princess of Wales (followed shortly after the death of ‘Mother’ Tereas) evoked a universal outpouring of grief and without doubt her death and also the loss of those who died with her was an occasion for true and genuine sadness. In the days leading up to her funeral and even for a time afterwards the ‘spiritual vacuum’ of masses of people was clearly evident but I think an even greater tradegy was the failure of so-called Christian leaders to make plain the teaching of God’s word in several crucial areas. Christ claimed to be the sole and unique way to God (John 14:6) and yet an evident ‘all roads lead to God’ attitude was clearly adopted on many occasions. Paul declares that salvation is “not of works” (Ephesians 2:9) but for many there was a tacit acceptance of charitable works as the basis of acceptance by God. The God of heaven declares “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord” (Revelation 14:13) yet millions were assured that souls who had died without the Christ of Calvary were ‘at rest.’ As believers we and others must afresh take to heart the words of the Lord in Matthew 24:4 “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Thank you for your support as Margaret and I urge people where possible to “Take Heed.”