Dear praying friends,
Although this is my ‘February’ newsletter I am actually writing this letter to you on lst January 1998 so let me begin by sending to you all sincere good wishes from Margaret and myself for a truly happy and blessed 1998. The reason for the early writing and preparation of this newsletter is due to an up-corning ministry trip to Romania which is mention on page 6. Last night Margaret and I took time to reflect on each month of 1997 and we could recall the highs and the lows, the mountain tops and the valleys and have no reason to doubt that if we are spared through 1998 it too will be composed of that same mixture. The children of Israel experienced the ‘high’ of leaving Egypt and then the deep ‘low’ as Pharoah and his armies threatened to enslave them once more but God overruled and they were safely delivered through the Red Sea. The response of Moses and the people as recorded in Exodus 15 verse 2 “The Lord is my strength and song and he is become my salvation; HE IS MY GOD.” May you and I as we seek to witness for the One who is “The truth” have that same soing on our lips and in our hearts as we too journey on towards our promised land.