Category Archives: Toronto Blessing

News From The Front – June 1997

Dear praying friends,

Over recent months the size of the mailing list has grown dramatically and in consequence the costs involved in issuing “News From The Front” have naturally risen also. With this issue of “News From The Front” I am trying to update the MAILING LIST and if there is a special letter enclosed with your issue I would ask you to please give it your attention and if you wish to receive future issues (DV) be sure to return the reply slip at the end of the letter – we wish to be good stewards of God’s provision. You will also find a separate letter concerning a “Take Heed” Mission Fund which has been launched and I would stress that any gifts for this should be made payable to ‘Take Heed’ Mission Fund so as to distinguish them from gifts in support of ‘Take Heed’ Ministries. The pace of spiritual deception is increasing rapidly and the pressures in countering such deceptions seem to intensify as each day passes – your practical and prayerful support mean much to us.

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News From The Front – December 1996

Dear praying friends,

As the work of “Take Heed” has increased and the profile has heightened I have felt for some time that it would be helpful to me personally to have a group of men with whom I could discuss the work, to whom I could turn for advice and who would be prayerfully committed to the work. To that end I have written to a number of Pastors/Ministers and I hope to be able to give details in my next newsletter of the make-up of what will be called the Council of Reference.

In relation to Newsletters I would plan from 1997 onwards to issue three per year – February, June and October but these may be slightly enlarged as is the case with this issue. Margaret and I send best wishes to you all and trust that these words of 2nd Timothy 2 verse 13 will be of encouragement to you in 1997

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