Dear praying friends,
As stated in my last newsletter I issued invitations to a number of pastors and ministers to see if they would be willing to act as a Council of Reference for “Take Heed” Ministries and I am delighted to report that all have accepted my invitation and I look forward to working along with these brothers in Christ who have already in times past encouraged Margaret and I in the work to which God has called us.
I also mentioned the plan to issue ‘News From The Front’ three times each year so the timescale will be February, June and October each year (DV).
Enclosed with this issue is the leaflet which is being circulated to advertise the up-coming visit of Frank Eberhardt and I would ask you to keep these meetings much in prayer and of course if you can get to any we would be delighted to see you. Your prayers for talks on various cults which I will be giving (DV) in May (26th-30th) in 2nd Newtownards Presbyterian Church are coveted. Margaret and I return grateful thanks to those who sent practical tokens of support in recent months and pray that all our readers will know much of God’s blessing in 1997.