Dear praying friends and supporters of ‘Take Heed’
It is regrettable to have to say it, but much of 2017 has so far has been dominated by a never ending (it seems) succession of Islamic atrocities. As usual, we have press and political reactions that express horror, but continue to insist that these events are not a true reflection of the religion of Islam. In the wake of the Manchester bombing, the Religious Affairs correspondent of the Belfast Telegraph, Alf McCreary used his Saturday column to give his reaction to that dreadful event. I immediately posted my own response on Facebook (now also on the web site) to what he wrote and I want to share extracts from that post with you now –
Alf McCreary in his column in today’s Belfast Telegraph has devoted it to his reflections on the Manchester murders on Monday past when a Jihadist carried out a suicide bombing that claimed many lives and wounded scores of others… these are the (ludicrous) comments by Alf McCreary that I want to highlight.
‘Tragically the majority of those evil militant Islamists who bring murder and mayhem to the West, as well as to their own societies, are claiming, WRONGLY (Cecil – emphasis mine) the religious backing of the Koran.’
Of course, the Koran, when properly understood in the light of abrogation, does sanction the never-ending ‘murder and mayhem’ referred to by Alf McCreary. I never thought I would call as a witness to something I have written, a Muslim Imam, but the video and article on this link will show that the Koran does back such ‘murder and mayhem’. This is the link –
PS The transcript of a Muslim cleric’s short ‘sermon’ confirms the Koran-basis of such violence as you can read and see on these links –
PPS Another relevant and revealing interview by a professing Christian who was formerly a Muslim (and a son of a leader of Hamas) can be seen on this link
Writing-wise I have been very busy and to date 12 new or updated articles
have been posted to the web site covering these topics
- Beth Moore – warning resources:
- Norman Vincent Peale – Power to Deceive:
- William Branham – teachings surface in Donegal:
- Tim Keller and Christianity:
- Theistic Evolution – a sinful compromise:
- Joyce Meyer and Healing:
- Eucharistic Miracle in Amsterdam? – hard to stomach:
- Unitarianism:
- Today’s Psychic Fayre:
- Baha’ism:
- Solar Eclipse – updated:
- Evolution Rejected by God’s Word (contains links to excellent radio talks)
Speaking/preaching wise I have likewise been busy and by the end of June I will (DV) have spoken/preached locally 25 times. In addition, on 25 March, Nancy Zins, a dear friend and wife of my close fellow-contender, Rob Zins, died in Charlotte, NC, after a brave 4-year fight with multiple myeloma. When sympathising by phone with Rob he told me that it had been Nancy’s wish and also his that I should preach at her memorial service. So very hastily Margaret and I made arrangements to fly there and it was my huge honour to preach to around 140 people who attended the service on Saturday 8th April. The following morning I again was privileged to preach at the morning service in Concord Bible church. Despite the sadness of the reason for going to America it was nonetheless very uplifting to be with God’s people as we remembered a life well-lived for the glory of Christ.
I am likewise going to be busy with speaking/preaching engagement between now and the end of the year (DV). Again, locally, I am scheduled to speak/preach 18 times (many of themReformation-anniversary-related). Then late July-early August I shall be in the Isle of Man topreach 4 times and also give my 2-part Reformation talk. Then also over the first two weeks of September I shall be in Canada where to date I am scheduled to speak/preach on 7 occasions. Your prayers for all these plans will be greatly appreciated.
The continuing growth in the numbers of people accessing both the Ministry and YouTube sites is really heartening as can be seen by these statistics (Bracket figures for December 2016)
Ministry web site visits – 1,397.906 (1.133.126)
YouTube videos/audios – 183 (181)
YouTube viewings – 969,793 (745,895)
YouTube subscribers – 3245 (2582)
Dear Cecil…your ministry has been a great blessing to my husband and I for many years … My husband and I have been saved since 1993, married since 1988 and the Lord has blessed us with doctrinally sound people like yourself who understand the times in which we are living, the need to ‘take heed’, and be good Bereans. God bless you brother, D. (received 7th January 2017)
“Take Heed” Ministries
29 Edengrove Park, Ballynahinch, BT24 8AZ
Tel./Fax 028 9756 5511
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