It was recently drawn to my attention by a Christian friend that I was ‘listed’ on the ‘WHO IS WHO’ page of a website dedicated to promoting Darwinian Evolution and to refuting Biblical creation. I went to the website in question and downloaded the following about the organisation.
About the British Centre for Science Education
What is the BCSE?
The British Centre for Science Education is a single issue pressure group dedicated solely to keeping creationism and intelligent design out of the science classroom in publicly-funded schools in the United Kingdom.
Who is behind the BCSE?
BCSE is a co-operative, with a formal constitution, of like-minded people. It is run by a committee elected by its members
The seven committee members at present are:
- Michael Brass, Interim Chairman,
- Roger Stanyard, Interim Spokesman
- Ian Lowe, Interim IT Manager
- Alan Bellis, General Advisor
- Brian Jordan, Scientific Advisor
- Timothy Chase, General Advisor
- John Germain, Interim Membership Secretary