Earlier today (24 June 2015) I received the following email –
Cecil, this might be of interest…
Just learnt that Kensington Temple (an Elim church) hosted Rodney Howard Browne on Sunday:
Note the photos of RT Kendall and Martin Lloyd-Jones’s daughter.
(*See comment added by me on 14 May 2016)*
Here’s a report from someone who went:
Same old nonsense.
May the Lord have mercy on His church for promoting such deception.
The first link in the email takes people to a large selection of photos of people at the event. What struck me first was how thin Rodney Howard Browne now is as compared to when he was ‘spreading’ the Holy Ghost as a blasphemous self-appointed ‘Holy Ghost bartender’ – in truth he looked like someone with health problems.
Anyhow, attention was drawn in the email to the presence of R T Kendall and the daughter of Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones. I was not surprised that R T Kendall was there but was surprised by the presence of Ann Lloyd-Jones.
*Today (14 May 2016) I had a very gracious phone call from Ann Lloyd-Jones who explained to me how the photo taken with her, R H Browne and his wife came to be taken. She had earlier been in attendance at a meeting that had no connection whatsoever with RHB or his ministry and she was in a coffee lounge when RHB and his wife came in. RHB immediately said that he and his wife must have a photo taken with her, and, Ann Lloyd Jones, being somewhat taken unawares and not wishing to appear rude posed for the photo. She later learnt that RHB was using the photo basically for his own self-promotion and a request was made to him to stop. The reply that came back was not very gracious. Ann Lloyd-Jones contacted me today to make clear that in no way did she endorse the ministry of RHB and what little she saw of it before she left caused her to feel distinctly uncomfortable as her ‘spirit’ did not agree in any way with the ‘spirit’ that was evidently present as RHB ‘ministered’. I assured Ann Lloyd-Jones that I would make this known in my article so hence these comments.
A recent article I posted on R T Kendall will explain why I was not surprised at him being there – the article is on
Another who features in the photos is Pastor Colin Dye of Kensington Temple. Some years ago he was the invited guest speaker at a large gathering of men in Belfast (MANDATE) and I wrote a warning article about that visit – the article is on
In response to this ‘tip-off’ email I went to the second link and read the report compiled by Tanya Chand – it makes for very sad reading.
I have sent the following comment but whether or not it gets past the moderator and published is quite another matter. This is what I wrote –
Dear Tanya,
I have read your report of what took place at the recent Rodney Howard Browne meeting that you attended. This mirrors very much the types of meetings that RHB was involved in back in the mid 1990’s.
I spoke publicly on a number of occasions about what was happening then and in a spirit of true Christian love and concern I would invite you to watch the videos of those meetings that can be found on the following links –
Meeting 1 (Part 1) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55eTq3woAkw (RHB video just after 40.00)
Meeting 1 (Part 2) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCEr3hKOxkE
Meeting 2 (Part 1) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RM2A3sVYGU (RHB video @ 32.44)
Meeting 2 (Part 2) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTEEURiKzqw
I pray that the Lord by His Spirit will use these as an instrument of true blessing and edification in your life. Your servant for Christ
- Cecil Andrews
- Take Heed’ Ministries
- https://www.takeheed.info
Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 24 June 2015