If like me you were one of the almost 50,000 people who contacted the BBC to protest against their screening of the vile and blasphemous ‘Jerry Springer – The Opera’ on BBC 2 Television on Saturday 8th January 2005 then the following course of lawful protest may be something you wish to seriously consider.
In the latest issue [January 2005] of Christian Voice, the National Director, Stephen Green [who was interviewed on TV in the run-up to the Broadcast] has written the following –
‘A Christian Voice supporter has made the following suggestion which deserves thoughtful consideration. At present each household pays just over £10.00 per month licence fee to the BBC. 5p a day of that total is spent on BBC 2. Therefore the cost to each of us to fund “Jerry Springer – The Opera” is likely to have been 1p or less. As Christians we do object to our money having been used to fund this blasphemous production. But what can we do? The answer is so simple, so peaceful, so law abiding and so effective it will cause the BBC to think twice before ever showing such a vile, blasphemous and deeply offensive programme ever again. This is the action that every Christian household could take.
When your TV licence comes up for renewal, stop using your TV/Video equipment for just ONE MONTH [unplug it and disconnect it] and inform TV Licensing on 0800 3282020 that you will not be watching TV for a month. Then after you have enjoyed a month without watching your TV, if you wish to begin using it again, pay your annual licence fee and reconnect your TV. This will cost the BBC at least 1000 times more than the 1p of your licence fee that they spent on “Jerry Springer – The Opera”…If all 50,000 who complained did this, the BBC would lose £500,000. If you subscribe to SKY or NTL for digital programmes you can also cancel your subscription for one month saving you between £20 and £41. With the £10 saved on the BBC licence fee this will save you up to £51. We can then donate this money to support a blasphemy prosecution against the BBC…May God encourage all Christians to take up this challenge to take a break from TV and send a message to the BBC.’
Later in Christian Voice, Stephen Green wrote ‘Christian Voice is seeking to bring a private prosecution in connection with this production…following a meeting with lawyers acting for Christian Voice…A separate appeal letter will be circulated as soon as costs are estimated’.
Can I urge Christians who read this to [a] follow the course of action suggested and forego TV for one month at least and [b] send what you save [or more] to Stephen Green, Christian Voice, PO Box 739A, Surbiton, Kent, KT6 5YA [mentioning that your gift is to fund the proposed blasphemy action against the BBC].
Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 31 January 2005