Category Archives: Contemporary

Alf McCreary, The Queen and The Dalai Lama

When Tony Blair became British Prime Minister his popularity and reputation grew rapidly thanks to the efforts of one man – Alister Campbell – who became known as his ‘spin doctor’. Mr Campbell made sure that the press and media were kept fully informed about all that would enhance the standing of Mr Blair with the citizens of the United Kingdom and even further afield.

Well, if the Dalai Lama ever needs his own ‘spin doctor’ then he should seriously consider Alf McCreary, ‘Religion Correspondent’ with the Belfast Telegraph. In November 2005 the Dalai Lama paid a return visit to Northern Ireland and any reader of the Belfast Telegraph would be entirely without excuse if they claimed to be unaware of his visit.

Each Saturday in the Belfast Telegraph Mr McCreary authors a page entitled ‘This Life’ and it is usually made up of a lead article and perhaps one or two smaller items. On consecutive Saturdays [19th and 26th November] the lead article for each ‘This Life’ page was devoted to the Dalai Lama. One article was called ‘A welcome visitor’ and the other ‘The Dalai Lama and an Ulster “Blackman”’ [the term ‘Blackman’ refers to a member of a particular fraternal organisation and has nothing to do with race or colour].

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Several years ago there was a programme on television called ‘Fantasy Football’ [for Australian and American readers that is ‘football’ as in the ‘soccer’ variety’]. I never did personally watch the programme so I can only surmise that with its title it contained a large proportion of ‘make-believe’content and the intent would have been for it not to be identified with the real world of ‘football’.

On Saturday 3rd December 2005, in a funeral that was watched by millions around the world, Northern Ireland said farewell to George Best who was without doubt the most naturally gifted football player ever to have represented us on the stage of world soccer. Following his tragically early death at the age of 59 when he lost a long-running battle with alcoholism multitudes of articles were written about him in scores of newspapers. Continue reading

Whose ‘PURPOSE’ is Rick Warren serving?

ALPHA team up with RICK WARREN for their ‘LONDON LEADERSHIP’ conference

In recent years the ‘Church Growth Movement’ has looked increasingly for guidance to ‘The Message’ and ‘The Methods’ of one man and of one church. That man is RICK WARREN and the church is the church he pastors – SADDLEBACK COMMUNITY CHURCH in Southern California. His ‘Purpose Driven’ books have sold by the millions in Christian bookstores worldwide. Many churches have engaged in ’40 Days of Purpose’ and thousands of Pastors have attended seminars promoting Rick Warren’s ‘Purpose Driven’ vision for Christianity. However, the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9 “THERE IS NO NEW THING UNDER THE SUN”. 

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‘Earning the right’ to tell people about Jesus

During the visit last year by Shaun Willcock I was given at one of the meetings samples of some leaflets issued by a group calling themselves –

‘Movement For Presbyterian Reform’

One leaflet in particular struck a real chord with me [although the other leaflets were also excellent] and with the permission of the author, Willie Cowan, who works at the cutting edge of inner city evangelism in downtown Belfast, I am reproducing his leaflet that was titled as above.

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The True Church Bishop J.C. RYLE

Where is this one true Church? What is this one true Church like? What are the marks by which this one true Church may be known? You may well ask such questions. The one true Church is composed of all believers in the Lord Jesus. It is made up of all God’s elect – of all converted men and women – of all true Christians. In whomsoever we can discern the election of God the Father, the sprinkling of the blood of God the Son, the sanctifying work of God the Spirit, in that person we see a member of Christ’s true Church.

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When Tolerance is Sin

[William MacDonald has been a fulltime Bible teacher for over 40 years. His writings include ‘God’s answers to Man’s questions’ and ‘The Believer’s Bible Commentary’. He has also served on the board of directors of ‘Good News For Catholics’ based in California]

Tolerance can be a virtue, but it can also betray an inexcusable weakness of character. We admire the person who tolerates differences where no great issue is at stake. He allows for a variety of preferences, methods and unimportant viewpoints. He would rather be killed for a sheep than for a lamb.

But there is another tolerance that is despicable. This is the willingness to remain silent when God’s name is blasphemed or when Christ is dishonoured. It is the treachery of silence when truth is on the scaffold. It is the unwillingness to speak out against evil. Tolerance that condones deceit and unrighteousness is sin.

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Philip Yancey – “turning the grace of God into lasciviousness”


When you go into any modern ‘Christian’ bookstore it will be virtually impossible not to be confronted at some point by books written by Philip Yancey. He is without doubt one of the best selling ‘Christian’ authors of this age and some of his best known works include ‘What’s So amazing About Grace’, ‘Where Is God When It Hurts’ and ‘Soul Survivor’. In March 2002 he was the Banquet Speaker at the Christian Booksellers Convention held in Doncaster.

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The abuse by ALF McCREARY

On a number of occasions I have challenged the publicly expressed views of ALF McCREARY who is the religious affairs correspondent of the Belfast Telegraph. By his own public admission he is an ordained Elder within the Irish Presbyterian Church although how in conscience he can maintain that in view of the regular conflict between the views expressed in his writings and the truths contained in his Supreme and Subordinate Standards of faith, namely The Bible and The Westminster Confession of Faith is to say the least ‘baffling’.

At this time of the year the 21 Presbyteries of the Irish Presbyterian Church vote to elect a new Moderator who then takes up his year of office in June each year. Last year was a very close vote with 11 Presbyteries voting for Rev Ivan McKay and 10 Presbyteries voting for Rev Ken Newell. Rev McKay would be identified with the ‘evangelical and non-ecumenical’ strand within Irish Presbyterianism whereas Rev Newell would be in the forefront of the ‘liberal and ecumenical’ strand.

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Legalising “evil” & Outlawing “good” – USA Style

As I read the following excellent article issued on 24 January 2004 by Roger Oakland who is the Director of the Christian ministry called ‘Understand The Times’ my mind was directed to the words of Isaiah 5:20 –  “Woe unto them who call evil, good and good, evil”

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 25 January 2004


Imagine you are standing before a judge in an American courtroom. You have been accused of assaulting another person and are expecting to spend time in jail. Suddenly you hear the judge say, “instead of jail, your sentence will involve anger management. For your penalty, I’m sentencing you to yoga classes – based on the ancient Hindu philosophy of exercise and well-being. When it’s over, report to me and I’ll see how well you are doing.”

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In my mailbox this morning was a little printed invitation card that read as follows. A Series of Meetings BASED ON THE BIBLE are being held in the MARKET HOUSE, THE SQUARE, BALLYNAHINCH. Every Sunday 7pm – 8pm – Free & Non Denominational – Everyone Welcome – E. Drennan & A. Gault

This invitation bears many of the hallmarks of the group that do not ascribe any particular name to themselves but would be referred to by others as ‘Cooneyites’.

The venue for these proposed meetings – ‘MARKET HOUSE, THE SQUARE, BALLYNAHINCH’ fits well with their long established strategy when it comes to holding public meetings. Continue reading