The ‘Prophetic Poison’ of Gerald Coates in ‘Songs of Praise’

On Sunday 27th November 2011 the BBC 1 Television programme ‘Songs of Praise’ began the first in a series of ‘Advent’ programmes in the run up to Christmas. The theme for this particular programme focussed on Old Testament ‘prophecies’ that foretold the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Handled correctly and biblically this should not have proved to have been any threat to Orthodox Christian belief – however we must remind ourselves that this was produced by the overtly anti-Christian BBC and true to form they arranged for the programme to be laced with what I have termed‘Prophetic Poison’.

The programme was presented by Diane Louise Jordan (I’ll have more to say about her later) and in the course of the programme she asked someone for their views on ‘prophecy’ – who was that someone – a man called Gerald Coates.

Gerald Coates is someone that over the years I have ‘mentioned in dispatches’ on quite a number of occasions. Going back to 1997 I wrote the following in the February 1997 edition of ‘News From The Front’

Gerald Coates’ Pioneer Team and Celtic Spirituality

I was sent by Christian friends a copy of an audio tape of a talk which was given to Gerald Coates and workers in his Pioneer Team by Roger Ellis (Chichester). To refresh minds Gerald Coates is one of three people who started the Marches for Jesus. He also fully endorsed the ministry of Rodney Howard Browne one of the ‘key players’ in the ‘Toronto blessing’ fiasco describing him as ‘a breath of fresh air’ and he referred to the heretical late Malcolm Muggeridge (for details of his heresies see ‘News From The Front’ December 1995) as a ‘major prophet.’

On this tape Mr Ellis was urging people to go back and try and capture the ‘Celtic Spirit.: As I listened to this very ‘atmospheric’ tape (on large segments a continuous drumbeat is heard and folk-type music is interspersed at intervals) I was highly alarmed by many of Mr Ellis’ statements and noted many of them down planning to mention them in this article. However in the providence of God I was sent a copy of a little booklet called ‘Modern Celtic Spirituality’ by Paul Fahy and in the latter part of this booklet Mr Fahy gives a very good analysis of this very tape by Mr Ellis.

One of the expressions used by Mr Ellis which I noted with alarm was ‘they (the Celts) looked to release the divine spark in the people that they were evangelising.’ Mr Fahy comments “What is meant by this spark is the image of God, but salvation is not releasing this image, it is a radical transformation by new life. This can be misinterpreted as the doctrine of the mystics currently much in vogue through New Age teachings…that is the releasing of what is ‘the divine in every man.’ This is completely anti-Christian…Man does not have a divine spark which only needs to be fanned into a flame. He is dead towards God and totally corrupt. A corpse cannot help himself.”

In his booklet Mr Fahy did not mention Mr Ellis by name and in his introduction explains why – he writes “the original draft of this paper was a reaction to a specific taped talk by a leader in a well know network…The seminar was analysed and critiqued severely. However I felt that I should try to contact the speaker before I went into print. I have now had a number of conversations with this brother…He deeply regrets the way the tape can be interpreted and intends to rewrite his lecture for future engagements…Consequently I have agreed to withdraw his name from this critique (at my suggestion, not from pressure) but will refer to statements made as indicative of the general trend and use them as a foundation for refutation.”

Mr Fahy’s decision to afford Mr Ellis anonymity is his personal choice but I feel under no obligation whatsoever to do likewise as this is yet another instance of those who claim to be Spirit-anointed departing radically from the truth as found in God’s Word. There is no doubt that now that the excitement surrounding ‘Toronto’ has begun to subside it will be necessary for the leaders in (the extreme) charismatic circles to be on the look-out for some new ‘spiritual plaything’ to offer their followers and I just wonder if ‘Celtic Spirituality’ might be the next course on the menu.

You will note that in that short article I made reference to ‘Toronto’ and this of course was the so-called ‘Toronto Blessing’ that infected large parts of professing Christendom in the mid 1990’s. Much of the ‘credit’ for spreading this viral ‘Blessing’ in the UK was down to the ‘ministry’ of oneRodney Howard Browne. On video of a meeting that he held in England the supportive platform guests included Gerald Coates.  After ‘Toronto’ eventually subsided there was a lull in Charismatic activity and frenzy but then in 1999 reports started appearing of a new phenomenon being claimed by the Toronto Airport (Vineyard) Fellowship where the so-called ‘Blessing’ had originally incubated. This was a claim that God was miraculously turning ordinary tooth-fillings into GOLD tooth-fillings. I made reference to this in an article in my September 1999 ‘News From The Front’ – this is what I wrote –

Gold Strike in Toronto?

There are times when watching ‘things Christian’ on TV that I cringe and think to myself ‘what must the unsaved think as they watch this’? Such an occasion occurred whilst watching ‘Tonight’ broadcast by ITV on 15th July 1999. For almost 15 minutes the latest ‘charismatic craze’ was exposed and examined in front of millions of viewers.

The opening shots showed many people seated prayerfully with their hands clasped – not together but around their jaws. The prayer of the pastor at the front could be heard filling the auditorium – ‘In the name of Jesus – fill teeth Lord – replace amalgam fillings with gold and with platinum’. Who were these people, what was the location and who was the pastor/prospector praying for an infilling, not of the Holy Spirit, but of precious metals? We were in TORONTO – birthplace of the 1994 so-called ‘BLESSING’. Same fellowship and same pastor – John Arnott.

We were treated to Mr Arnott trying first to interview one laughing lady. Then he said to another man – ‘Let me see what God has done’ and after inspecting the man’s mouth [ably assisted by a torchbearer] he asked ‘How can God turn porcelain to gold’? And quick as a flash the man replied ‘My God can do anything’. Next we had close ups of open mouths [lit up by torchbearers] belonging to some who believed they had received new or replacement gold fillings. All this was to the accompaniment of excited squeals like those uttered by game show or lottery winners.

The scene then shifted to England where similar ‘miracles’ were being claimed and once again we were re-tracing the 1994 TORONTO TRAIL. Now we were in the company of Gerald Coates and his Pioneer Church. Listen to this extract of the interview with Mr Coates

Interviewer: ‘In your view how significant is this?’

Mr Coates: ‘Well, God doesn’t intervene in many of the situations we would like Him to because He would have to intervene in everything that we say and do that is wrong right the way through to some of the most terrible things happening in nations. What He does is He gives us signs that He is with us and that we can draw help from Him. Jesus changed water into wine. THAT HAD NO FUNCTION REALLY. They had already run out of wine in the party so HE WAS ONLY AIDING AND ABETTING MORE DRINKING’.

Interviewer: ‘So you think this is a modern equivalent of that – that this is a bona fide miracle?’

Mr Coates: ‘Yes. I think it’s true to say that GOD IS TOUCHING PEOPLE WITH GOLD AS SIGNS THAT HE IS STILL WITH US and although millions have turned their backs on Him He has not turned His back on us’.

Mr Coates claims turning water into wine ‘had no function really’. Is that what the scriptures teach? John2:3 says “when they wanted wine” – Bishop Ryle wrote – ‘By a mere act of will he changed water into wine and so supplied the need of all the guests’. Jesus met a practical need. But He did much more as we read in verse 11 “This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory and his disciples believed on him”.

The miracles of Jesus not only showed forth His glory but as the June 1999 Evangelical Times [in their article on the ‘gold fillings phenomena’] put it ‘were not an end in themselves but a divine authentication that the one who performed them had been sent by God’ and they wisely added ‘These biblical miracles continue to serve the same purpose and do not need to be repeated’. True disciples today need no such ‘SIGNS’ to comfort them on their Christian pilgrimage. They have a blessed “comforter” the One promised by the Lord in John 16:7.

A visiting ‘revivalist’ from Chile was then shown ‘in action’ at Mr Coates’s Pioneer Church. Miguel Escobar was shown praying ‘God, give them gold fillings tonight’ following which he shouted repeatedly ‘Receive it! Receive it, by faith’. Asked to comment on the ‘miracles’ Mr Escobar said ‘This is probably the closest expression IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY to see God or touch God’. According to Mr Escobar getting a gold filling would therefore exceed the experience of seeing or touching the Lord Jesus Christ who walked this scene of time almost 2000 years ago. Well did the Lord Himself say in Matthew 6:21 “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”.

According to a report by the ‘Back To The Bible’ group based in The Netherlands [Newsletter 16] this ‘tooth fairy’ nonsense was also peddled in Holland by both Mr Arnott and Mr Escobar during visits there by them in May and June.

Several claims for similar happenings in other parts of Canada led to embarrassing retractions by Canadian TV Evangelists William Thiessen and Dick Dewert after dental records showed their personal claims of ‘miracles’ were totally spurious [Source – National Post, Canada, 12 May 1999].

During Mr Escobar’s ministry at Pioneer excitement centred on a lady called Sally who it was believed had perhaps experienced the transfiguration of some tooth fillings and this was greeted with shouts of ‘thank you Jesus’ and applause. At the end of the TV report Sally was interviewed and we learned that nothing miraculous had happened. In spite of this she claimed her faith was stronger and she had felt the presence of God at the meeting. Her composure was indeed admirable but her judgement is questionable and in many ways reflects discernment conditioned by teaching from the likes of Mr Coates.

They should all heed Psalm 19:9-10 “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired than gold, yea than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb” and to those who obey God says in Psalm 81:10 “open thy mouth wide and I will fill it”.

In the light of these few examples it is clear that Gerald Coates is a most unreliable source to be asking for views on ‘prophecy’. When introducing him, Diane Louise Jordan stated that the Pioneer Church Movement, that Mr Coates had founded, has about 500,000 members across the UK and that “he believes that prophecy is part of his ministry today”.

At the outset of his comments Gerald Coates claimed that he had never styled himself as a ‘prophet’ – I’ll have more to say on that shortly – but he did say ‘I’ve always wanted to speak on God’s behalf’ He then claimed that over many years praying with people that often they would say to him ‘how did you know all of that?’ – His answer was ‘of course I didn’t know but I’m suddenly aware that there is someone else at work here (how right he is but wrong about who it is) – this has to be God’. In the light of a few examples I’ll mention shortly I think it will be very evident that it is not God ‘at work’ when Mr Coates speaks ‘prophetically’.

Returning at this point to the claim made by Gerald Coates that he had ‘never styled himself as a prophet’ – this is simply NOT TRUE. In 1991 Kingsway Publications published a book called ‘An Intelligent Fire’ and the author? – Gerald Coates. This was basically his autobiography of his life up to the time of publication. The first 9 of 11 chapters each had a title with dates in brackets for example – Chapter 1: The Beginning (1944-1956); Chapter 2: The Turning (1956-1961). When we come to page 85 we find this Chapter 5; The Prophet (1973-1980).

I want now to quote some extracts from this chapter –

‘Many Christians live with locked-up minds… With women effectively silenced throughout the Christian community, there has been very little room for intuitive skills. The prophets also had been silenced… With women and prophets silenced, the church was like an army fighting with one arm behind its back, with an eye patch over one eye, hobbling around on one leg… I sensed a call to be a spokesman for God – a prophet… speaking for God is one thing – being a prophet? Well, that’s another…

However, the early seventies were not times to prophesy in the evangelical church… I knew that real Christianity could not be reduced to a set of rational propositions (Cecil – biblical doctrines) and moral idealism (Cecil – sanctified Holy living). The church needed revelation (Cecil – ‘Sola Scriptura’ obviously not enough for Mr Coates) and an anointing (Cecil – God’s gift to every believer at conversion of the Holy Spirit obviously not enough for Mr Coates).

Come Together was a prophetic statement about the unity of the body of Christ… Well do I remember hosting the first major Come Together production of the tour. London’s Westminster Central Hall was jammed to capacity… Later 5500 people filled the Royal Albert Hall. Malcolm Muggeridge was interviewed. I, the minor prophet, liked the major prophet. Was it the same spirit? Was this aging, balding, somewhat affected, super-annuated journalist reading my mind? What were these deep stirrings? Why was I hanging on every word, being carried along by the very tone of Malcolm Muggeridge’s observations and predictions? Later, with Anona (Gerald’s wife) I spent many happy hours in the farmhouse home of Malcolm and Kitty.

Cecil – here we have Gerald Coates referring to himself as a ‘minor prophet’ and labelling Malcolm Muggeridge as a ‘major prophet’ putting forth ‘predictions’ that Gerald ‘hung on’. Malcom Muggeridge was NO CHRISTIAN as I have shown clearly in various articles that I have written over the years and in which his beliefs have been referred to – just one example from my article located on –

News From The Front – September 2006

I wrote –

“Very briefly can I say that Malcolm Muggeridge held views that were in opposition to God’s revealed truth. In his book ‘Jesus Rediscovered’ Mr Muggeridge wrote ‘I firmly believe there is a divine light in every human being ever born or to be born’ [p167].  Shortly after he wrote ‘On that same visit to the Holy Land I came to feel quite certain that not even Judas had irretrievably cut himself off from the love of God’ [p168]. When asked what he thought was going on at Calvary Mr Muggeridge stated [p170] ‘I think that men had to be shown that the way to revelation [(Cecil – not redemption?) was through suffering…that the image of a man dying because of the truth he embodied (Cecil – not giving his life a ransom for many?) established for ever what truth is – something you die for’. When asked if that was how he understood the atonement Mr Muggeridge replied ‘Absolutely, absolutely’.

Speaking of the devil Mr Muggeridge said ‘I am not particular about a personal devil. I shan’t be distressed if there isn’t one’ [p172]. On page 173 when asked ‘Do you think that Jesus was a product of evolution or do you think that this was a miraculous intervention?’ Mr Muggeridge replied ‘I’m always allergic to miraculous interventions because I don’t observe them in life [every spiritual ‘new birth’ is a miracle!] and I don’t think that it makes Jesus any more remarkable if he represents a miraculous intervention…how Christ came into the world doesn’t matter’ (Cecil – If Christ entered the world through natural procreation, as a ‘sinful son of Adam’, He could not have offered Himself for sacrifice as the spotless ‘Lamb of God’!). Having supposedly ‘Rediscovered Jesus’ which church did Mr Muggeridge proceed to join? – The Roman Catholic”

Friendship with the vicar of Cobham led me, the minor prophet, and he, the moderate cleric, to lead a series of meetings entitled “The Family Meet”… In 1979, Kingdom Life, based in Cobham was started’.

These short extracts demonstrate quite clearly that Gerald Coates was wrong when he claimed on ‘Songs of Praise’ that he had never styled himself as a ‘prophet’. As to his question as to whether or not he and Malcolm Muggeridge were being influenced by ‘the same spirit’, I think the answer will be scripturally obvious to all genuine believers.

As for any ‘prophecies’ made by Gerald Coates let me mention just one example of where he got it spectacularly wrong. In the February 1997 edition of ‘Evangelicals Now’ an article by Alan Howe (then of ‘Christian Research Network’) entitled ‘False Prophecy Today?’ was published. The article focussed in particular upon the failed ‘prophecies’ of Gerald Coates. Mr Howe wrote at the very beginning –

“In the contemporary church we seem to be witnessing a marked growth in false prophecy and false teaching”

The entire article can be viewed on – I would especially draw attention to the God-dishonouring events that followed in the wake of Mr Coates’ failed ‘prophecy’ concerning an earthquake that was supposedly going to devastate Lake Taupo in New Zealand. In the wake of this and also another failed ‘prophecy’ detailed in the article Gerald Coates should have, in the light of Deuteronomy 18:20-22 been recognised for the false ‘prophet’ that he truly is but sadly that has not been the case in these days of “seducing spirits”.

Pentecostal Preacher, Jacob Prasch, also made reference to these failed ‘prophecies’ when he published ‘An Open Invitation to Gerald Coates’. Part of that ‘Invitation’ reads as follows –

Dear Gerald Coates,

In 1990 you were perhaps chief among those who embraced the prophetic predictions which we have on video of John Wimber, Paul Cain, Mike Bickel and the Kansas city Prophets, that the greatest Revival in Britain’s history would come to Britain in October of 1990. In the 5 years since, more Mosques have been built in Britain than Churches. Who had the Revival Mr Coates – Mohammed? There has never been a repentance by either yourself or those who falsely predicted revival in the name of the Lord. You and they were dead wrong, and others misled by you.

Whilst this particular publication by Jacob Prasch is not online there is a similar-themed article on his web site that can be accessed on

All of the names mentioned in that short extract from the ‘Invitation’ by Jacob Prasch are also mentioned VERY favourably by Gerald Coates in his book ‘An Intelligent Fire’ that I quoted from earlier.

In particular Gerald Coates gave prominence to supposed ‘prophet’ Paul Cain by devoting an ‘Epilogue’ in his book to ‘Paul Cain’s Prophecy’. This is the same Paul Cain that sadly had a very spectacular ‘fall’ and turned out to be an alcoholic homosexual as you can read on

Returning now to ‘Songs of Praise’ at one point in the programme Diane Louise Jordan asked Gerald Coates “How would you define prophecy?” A brief summary of what Gerald Coates said would be that God has spoken to the world in creation, **in scripture, in His Son and today He speaks ‘prophetically’ in ‘words and actions’. He was then asked “Do you hear His voice?’ and his answer was “something you see, something you feel and you just know this is the voice of God”. I’m sure every Mormon who claims to have experienced ‘a burning in the bosom’ would say ‘Amen’ to that dangerous definition.

** I should point out that Gerald Coates believes there are ‘discrepancies’ in the Bible. In his book ‘Divided we Stand’ he wrote the following on page 82 – ‘He (Jesus) left it to imperfect men, with imperfect minds, to record such incidents – which is why I believe there are “discrepancies” in the gospels’.

Mr Coates then supposedly cited a personal example of how God used prophetic words and actions that he had spoken and carried out. He related an incident involving a lapel microphone and a well-known ‘Christian’ broadcaster. This incident was also recorded in a book that Mr Coateswrote called ‘The Vision’ – it was published in 1995 at the very height of the so-called ‘Toronto Blessing’ that Mr Coates fully and publicly endorsed.

Before I quote some sections from that book it’s interesting to see what Gerald Coates wrote by way of dedication at the front of the book. He wrote –

‘To the late Malcolm Muggeridge, whose writings and friendship meant more to me than he ever knew. Also to Ravi Zacharias whose writings and friendship made Jesus more attractive and intelligible. Can anything be more wonderful than that? Thank you.

The tribute to Malcolm Muggeridge should come as no surprise in the light of what I have already written but the linkage in the dedication to Ravi Zacharias was most interesting. I have previously written warnings about the views of Ravi Zacharias and one of the points of concern I identified was how someone attached to his ministry was engaged in promoting the views and memory of Malcolm Muggeridge.

My concerns were aired in an article I wrote called ‘After ECT (Evangelicals and Catholics Together) will there be an EMT?’ (Evangelicals and Mormons Together).

but this is what I wrote relevant to Ravi Zacharias

So what does the EMT in the title of this article stand for? Well, it stands for ‘Evangelicals and Mormons Together’. Since last year I have been receiving details of meetings [both public and private] that have been taking place in America and it seems to me that they are following the same pattern established in producing ECT. The following is part of an article that was published in the Casper Star & Tribune [Wyoming] on Friday 19 November 2004 –

An evangelical preacher, philosopher and author has graced the pulpit at the Tabernacle on Temple Square in what a fellow speaker called an “historic occasion.” When Ravi Zacharias took the stage last weekend it was the first time in 105 years a preacher of another faith appeared in the pulpit of the Tabernacle. Zacharias was invited by Standing Together, a network of 100 evangelical churches trying to improve relations with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The lecture, where nearly 5,000 evangelicals and Latter-day Saints sat together on Temple Square, was heralded as the beginning of a new era to replace one of mistrust’…Zacharias, a native of India raised in Canada, acknowledged there are doctrinal differences between traditional Christianity and the LDS faith. His hour-long sermon emphasized aspects of Christian doctrine for which Mormons have a different understanding, such as sin, salvation through the cross and the Trinity. But his overarching message — that Jesus Christ is the answer to the longing in all human hearts — was one that resonated with both evangelical Christians and Mormons. “When you get the Son, you get the way, the truth and the life,” Zacharias said. Sisters Sylvia and Liz Wilcox, who are members of the LDS Church, said they were impressed with Zacharias’ message.”It was beautiful,” said Liz Wilcox. “I loved the focus on the unity. They did a beautiful job of finding common ground.”

Just how ‘evangelical’ is Ravi Zacharias? After visiting his website to put together a response to an inquirer I discovered the following that I included in my response to the inquirer –

‘After receiving your email I went to his web site and noted the following which rang alarm bells for me.

  1. Ravi Zacharias is listed as being a ‘Visiting Professor’ with Wycliffe Hall in Oxford. This is a pseudo-evangelical college where Alister McGrath [close friend of compromiser J I Packer] is one of the main figures there. McGrath is actually mentioned on the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries web site’s page about Wycliffe Hall. I wrote an article about Alister McGrath and his views on the Catholic Catechism and you can see it by following the ministry newsletter link on my web site
  2. In Ravi Zacharias’s details on the web site mention is made that he spoke 3 times in Amsterdam [1983, 1986 & 2000] at the International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists – and who asked him to speak there – BILLY GRAHAM!
  3. One of the ‘Ministry Team’ listed on the web site is Dale Fincher who is described as ‘a professional actor and apologist’ – that in itself seems rather ‘odd’. However he has performed in the ‘Muggeridge Centenary’ at Wheaton College and also performs ‘Malcolm Muggeridge: The Man Who didn’t belong’Malcolm Muggeridge held views that were in opposition to God’s revealed truth. In his book ‘Jesus Rediscovered’ Mr Muggeridge wrote ‘I firmly believe there is a divine light in every human being ever born or to be born’ [p167]. Shortly after he wrote ‘On that same visit to the Holy Land I came to feel quite certain that not even Judas had irretrievably cut himself off from the love of God’ [p168]. When asked what he thought was going on at Calvary Mr Muggeridge stated [p170] ‘I think that men had to be shown that the way to revelation [not redemption?] was through suffering…that the image of a man dying because of the truth he embodied [not giving his life a ransom for many?] established for ever what truth is – something you die for’. When asked if that was how he understood the atonement Mr Muggeridge replied ‘Absolutely, absolutely’. Speaking of the devil Mr Muggeridge said ‘I am not particular about a personal devil. I shan’t be distressed if there isn’t one’ [p172]. On page 173 when asked ‘Do you think that Jesus was a product of evolution or do you think that this was a miraculous intervention?’ Mr Muggeridge replied ‘I’m always allergic to miraculous interventions because I don’t observe them in life [every spiritual ‘new birth’ is a miracle!] and I don’t think that it makes Jesus any more remarkable if he represents a miraculous intervention…how Christ came into the world doesn’t matter’. Having supposedly ‘Rediscovered Jesus’ which church did Mr Muggeridge proceed to join? – The Roman Catholic Church’.

I think that we can see from this that Ravi Zacharias is an ‘evangelical’ in the Billy Graham mould and that should immediately ring alarm bells for all true and faithful evangelicals. So, if an EMT agreement is in the offing, who better than Ravi Zacharias could be found to prepare the ‘evangelical’ ground to accept such a notion just as Billy Graham, over many years, prepared the ‘evangelical’ ground for the notion of ECT?

For me it’s just fascinating to see how so many people that I have written warnings about all swim together in the same heretical pool of deception.

Returning now to Gerald Coates and the example of his prophetic words and actions that he cited on ‘Songs of Praise’ this is how he related the same incident in his book ‘The Vision’ (pp 64-67) –

‘I have had more than one significant prophecy and words of encouragement from charismatic evangelicals and non-charismatic Evangelicals concerning my role in the media… It is easy… to see all that become a self-centred motivation… But I had to ask myself the question: “Is the most important thing here that it is me who does it?”… One morning whilst sitting in the last session of Britain’s National Evangelists’ Conference, the well-known British Evangelist Steve Chalke was bringing the breaking of bread meeting to a conclusion… Out of the blue, without any warning I received the most fantastic idea – that I should give a small microphone brooch that I wore regularly to Steve Chalke… But I had learned through trial and error (a great deal of trial and not a little error) that this was the voice of the Holy Spirit.

When the meeting was over I walked up to Steve… So that there could be no confusion due to my nervousness I asked another friend and colleague Stuart Pascal to witness what I was about to say… Falteringly I explained… that I felt I should now give it to him. I went on to say that I would be praying that he would become a voice to the nation, particularly through the medium of television…

Six months later Steve came to a prayer event I was leading in London and went out to supper afterwards. “Got a story to tell you” he smiled. What unfolded was nothing short of remarkable. A few days after receiving the microphone brooch he had his car stolen…. He explained how he was obviously very disappointed at the loss of the car and all his belongings but particularly the microphone brooch… He then received a phone call from the police… they had found one or two personal effects. He went to the police station to find his briefcase, completely empty of everything – except for the pin brooch. He told me “I just felt the Lord was saying to me “There you are Steve. When I give you a prophetic word I will fulfil it” (Cecil – in the light of Steve Chalke’s denial of ‘Penal Substitution’ I am reminded more of the saying “The devil looks after his own”) … within days he was asked to do a ten-minute slot on British national television for a brand-new, two-hour, thirteen-week series on Christianity. He went on to fulfil a regular slot on ITV’s Breakfast Television for GMTV. I could hardly contain myself. I was delighted, thrilled and privileged to play some small part in it’.

So, the prophetic words and actions of Gerald Coates supposedly helped further the broadcasting career of Steve Chalke. Personally I wouldn’t like to have that on my spiritual CV in the light of Steve Chalke’s denial of the truths of ‘Penal Substitution’ and God’s 6-day Creation. I wrote about all these and more in 3 articles located on –

I stated earlier that I would say a little bit more about the programme presenter Diane Louise Jordan. Basically I would just like to remind readers of the influence that the Alpha course and a few other biblically questionable events had on the life of this lady. In my June 2000 ‘News from The Front’ I wrote the following –

‘Alpha News’ – March – July 2000

On the front page of this newspaper there is a photograph of TV presenter

Diane Louise Jordan and underneath we read

‘A video explaining the vision for the Alpha supper initiative in September is being sent to all the 7000 churches in the UK running Alpha. The video is introduced by TV presenter Diane Louise Jordan’.

Half the text of page 3 is given over to supplying further information about this project and the remainder of pages 3 & 6 is entirely devoted to

Diane Louise Jordan’s ‘testimony’.

In all the articles on these pages about the video and Diane Lousie Jordan herself there is not one mention of Jesus Christ. There is not one usage of the word sin. There is not one reference to either Calvary or The Cross. There is not one mention ofconversion or having been born again.

There are in fact quite a number of disturbing and dare I say it ‘diabolical’ incidents referred to as the following extracts from the ‘testimony’ will show.

When somebody dies in your family you ask the questions, “What is it all about? Where do we go after this? But I remember feeling quite peaceful about my sister dying because I really believe she was going somewhere better…While I was at Blue Peter, there was a producer friend who I got on with famously. He was trendy…he loved partying…We were once stuck in a hotel near Auschwitz…so we sat at the bar all evening…and in the middle of this conversation he announced that he went to a church in the centre of London where they had discussions about faith. It wasn’t churchy and a lot of media people went there so I should feel at home…I told him I didn’t believe in Christianity and it wasn’t for me…

A couple of years later we found ourselves in Argentina…On my day off I was lying on my bed with my eyes wide open when I had this massive vision. I saw my sister…There was no stress on her face…She told me that she was in heaven with God. It was a beautiful experience but I was freaked out and cried uncontrollably…Later on my friend came to find out where I was and I told him what had happened. He said that it was probably God

[Luke 16:27-31 would teach differently]

…when I was leaving Blue Peter six years later…they invited me to present one episode of ‘Songs of Praise’ from LOURDES which is an incredibly spiritual place

[The question is which ‘spirits’ are active at Lourdes]

…one evening we went to the Grotto…I just stood at the side…and I just could not stop crying…I came back from there feeling quite changed…From that moment on I actually started telling everybody I was a Christian…I remembered that my producer friend had mentioned this course…It was called an Alpha course…I spoke to him about my experience in Lourdes and he just said “Yeah, I think you ought to go and do this course”…Then in 1998 I was invited to present ‘Songs of Praise’ about Alpha from Holy Trinity Brompton…It felt fantastic…and I thought “I’ve really got to go back and do this Alpha course”. So I went back and completed the course and during that time GOD SORT OF CREPT UP ON ME REALLY GENTLY AND HE HAS KEPT CREEPING EVER SINCE

[I read in my bible of ‘conviction’ and ‘conversion’ but I’m struggling to find God ‘CREEPING’].

In conclusion let me give the link to another helpful article written by Chris Hand, pastor of Crich Baptist Church. Chris had in earlier times been involved in the charismatic scene but the diabolical so-called ‘Toronto Blessing’ opened his eyes to all that deception and he was rescued from it. Chris was my guest here for meetings back in October 1997 and in my February 1998 ‘News From The Front’ I gave the following short report on his visit –

Visit Of Chris Hand (12th-17th October) 

I am pleased to report that the meetings at which Chris Hand spoke under the title ‘From Toronto To Truth’ were very well attended and Chris’s message was very well received. Shortly after his visit ended I received a letter from someone who attended one of the meetings – they wrote “I really enjoyed that night. I knew I was into the wrong things before Chris Hand spoke and had turned away but didn’t know from the beginning I was in a church like that. Only when he spoke did I realize that I thought he was talking about me…I thank God now after 6/7 years He has got me somewhere where I can have peace in my heart knowing I will not be deceived that way anymore.”

The link to the article by Chris is [Missing]

When it comes to assessing ‘The Prophetic Ministry of Gerald Coates’ one verse of scripture speaks very loudly to all who may come within his orbit –

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” 1st John 4:1


As I said at the outset, this ‘Prophetic Poison of Gerald Coates’ featured in the first of a series of ‘Advent’ programmes for ‘Songs of Praise’. Sadly the drip-feed of spiritual poison by the BBC in these programmes continues. In their programme last Sunday, 11th December the theme was a ‘Dickensian Christmas’ and they focussed on the life of the brilliant author Charles Dickens who they portrayed as being a Christian.

In his book on cults ‘Strongholds Shaken’ local pastor, David Legge, wrote this on page 77 under the heading of ‘Unitarianism’ –

‘Many famous historical figures were Unitarians. Among them are five past presidents of the United States: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Millard Fillmore and William Taft. In the literary world we learn that Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson and CHARLES DICKENS (Cecil – emphasis mine) all classed themselves as Unitarians’.

By the very name, Unitarian, these people deny the truth of the Triune Godhead and so view the Lord Jesus Christ as being merely a man. They elevate human conscience to an authoritative level above that of the Bible. They see no atoning value in the death of Christ on the Cross and His resurrection is viewed by many as simply being a perpetuation of His thoughts and teachings. For Unitarians generally, ‘salvation’ is universal – all will be well.

In the upcoming programme for Sunday 18th December, one of the guest singers in ‘Songs of Praise’ will be Joe McElderry. This young man won a TV talent competition a few years ago. Since then he has ‘come out’ as a professed practising homosexual. Genuine Christians will once more be confronted with a supposedly ‘Christian’ programme giving airtime to someone whose lifestyle flies in the face of what genuine Biblical Christianity stands for – but does the BBC care? – Not for one moment as they relentlessly pursue their anti-Christian agenda.

As many may know, TESCO have cancelled some of their charity support for cancer research and have redirected it to the tune of £30,000 to sponsor the planned 2012 London ‘Gay Pride’ march Many Christians have written to Tesco to lodge their disgust at this decision and have also decided to boycott shopping at TESCO. On TV today there was an advert for a music CD of Joe McElderry singing Christmas carols – and where can it be bought – in TESCO.

Recently I received the following email from a concerned Christian brother in the Lord – it sets out the TESCO situation very well and perhaps some way wish to make there views known to TESCO in the light of its contents.

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 14th December 2011


Dear Friends

I am writing again to Tesco about its links with London and World Pride.  Complaint has thus far been futile.

By Tesco leading this year’s London Pride, with Tesco staff carrying the rainbow flag and promising money and resources for next year —  providing a “safe, relaxed and chilled out place with family-friendly entertainment and activities aimed at younger children” — it may attract the Pink pound, but badly damages its public image.–drops-support-cancer-charity-event.html

The public will soon need to accept not just homosexuality but an increasingly extreme range of sexual orientations. The main resistance to this pressure to conform comes from Christians who, apart from losing their jobs, having their businesses shut down, being dragged through the courts and threatened with physical violence, are being held up for public ridicule.

It seems that Tesco is already experimenting with this tactic. The Head of Research and Development at, Nick Lansely, did a dramatic reading of  James Kirkup’s “The Love That Dares to Speak its Name”, videoed and posted it on Youtube.

It is a description of a necrophilial (an ‘orientation’) soldier having sex with/on the crucified body of Christ. [WARNING EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE; but remember before you avert your eyes, judging by what  our children are already exposed to in schools, this, in time, is what they will be led to accept.]

“The Love That Dares to Speak its Name”

Nick Lansely, Head of R&D

Nick Lansley, reading the Blasphemous poem on Youtube

Nick Lansley is on the team of Out at Tesco that organised Tesco’s leading this year’s London Pride 2011

Nick Lansley is clearly visible at the 2-minute mark on this Youtube

Nick was also on hand to record an event held in June 2008, when the National Secular Society (NSS) gathered in a London restaurant to celebrate the repeal of the Blasphemy Laws. Here Sir Ian McKellen OBE gave a spirited rendition of the above poem and boasted of ripping pages from the Bible – something he proudly confesses to doing whenever he finds one in a hotel room. At the bottom of the NSS web site we read:  “Nick Lansley recorded the event.”

Had McKellen distributed cartoons of the dead body of Mohammed being sodomised, whilst tearing pages out of the Q’ran all hell would have been let loose – globally. 

Why is it that Christian employees and customers don’t have the same human right to feel that they are victims of incitement to religious hatred as are Muslims? Why are Muslims protected from such hatred by Tesco and Sir Trevor Phillips, Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, and yet the sensibilities of Christians can be openly mocked and trampled on?

Why can Nick be publicly identified with promoting Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual and Transsexual (LGBT) rights whilst  simultaneously encouraging what many people of faith (and others) would consider profoundly blasphemous — even an incitement to religious hatred?

Other Tesco employees, especially Christians cannot make a critical remark of the LGBT for fear of being sacked. I received this recently from a concerned Tesco employee:

“Let me open by apologizing for my going through the absurd necessity of using a fake email address – my employer (Tesco) has been known to take action against members of staff who are identified as making any remarks online which could be considered derogatory. (This is advice handed out by our union, USDAW – never, ever mention Tesco on Facebook, Twitter, etc). I simply cannot run the risk that my real name would be associated with the comments I am about to make. (which is not meant to question your personal integrity, it is simply a risk I cannot take).”

Tesco should be in the business of providing essential goods and services. Homosexuality is not a state of being like being black; it is an emotional and psychological disorder. When a black woman goes to sleep she is no less black than when she is awake. There is nothing that a black woman can do to make herself either less or more black. On the other hand a homosexual is only homosexual when his imagination leads his emotions, desirers, actions, habits and character to become homosexual.  This orientation can either become stronger or weaker. Movement into and out of homosexuality can and does travel in both directions. But it seems that this travel is only allowed in one direction: from heterosexuality to homosexuality – never the reverse.

In 2 Peter 2 it describes how God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly. It says that “He rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless, for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard.” Are we prepared to be distressed or do we wish to bury our heads in the sand?

Please write to Tesco letting them know your views and intentions: Chairman of Tesco International and IT Director Commercial and Marketing Director Chief Executive of Retailing Services and Group Strategy

 I am 

Yours in Jesus Christ