The ‘gay christian’ TV debate

A number of recent articles posted to the website have been dealing with so-called Christian groups and individuals who have been teaching that a sexually active homosexual or lesbian lifestyle is compatible with a profession to being a Christian.

In October 2008 on GENESIS TV [which as you will see has a leaning towards ‘things Pentecostal’] a debate took place between David McIlveen, the minister of Sandown Road Free Presbyterian and a self-confessed lesbian ‘Bishop’ attached to the Metropolitan Community Church denomination. In an article that I wrote several years ago on the worrying views of Philip Yancey on this issue I referred to an interview that he gave and in the course of it he himself refers to this MCC grouping. That article can be accessed on

The contribution to this debate by David McIlveen, which as you will see was overwhelmingly endorsed by the vast majority of those who emailed or telephoned the programme, is I believe Scripture-honouring and God-glorifying and I pray the Lord will use it to bring biblical clarity to this contentious issue.