Tag Archives: Steve Chalke

News From The Front – June 2006

Dear praying friends,

As you will read in the first article we had a very stimulating ministry visit by Pastor Gary Gilley [thank you for all your prayers] and it was evident that his diagnosis of the problem that much of professing Christianity is afflicted with today is centred on ‘the heart’. What I mean by that is that, in much of today’s apparently ‘blossoming’ and ‘successful’ Christianity, the very ‘heart of the gospel’ has been removed in favour of ‘another gospel’. This new ‘gospel’ is all about ‘self’ and is ‘justified by men and women’. But truly found at ‘the heart of the gospel’ are Christ and the truth of ‘men and women being justified’ by God. Enclosed with this newsletter are copies of 2 very helpful leaflets that in one, identify the problem found at ‘the heart’ of the ‘gospel’ proclaimed in today’s ‘Market-Driven’ churches and in the other, restate the glorious biblical truth of God’s ‘justification’ of guilty sinners. Also enclosed is a leaflet with 2 emails from Pastor Jerry Moser of Bayou Du Large Baptist Church in Louisiana. Many of you sent contributions to our appeal for Jerry and the fellowship there as they coped with the damage caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. I trust you will be as thrilled as we have been to see how God has gloriously used these difficult trials for the furtherance of His gospel amongst a very needy [spiritually and materially speaking] people. Margaret and I once more thank you for all your much-appreciated support.

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Pastor Gary Gilley – DVD

Between 19 March 2006 and 4 April 2006 Pastor Gary Gilley of Southern View Chapel, Springfield, Illinois spoke on 18 occasions in Northern Ireland about the dangers posed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by movements such as the ‘seeker sensitive’ movement [pioneered and promoted by Bill Hybels of ‘Willow Creek’ and Rick Warren of the ‘Purpose Driven’ movement] and the ‘emerging church’ movement headed up by people like Brian McLaren [USA] and his close friend, Steve Chalke.

Pastor Gilley’s talk was recorded and is now available on DVD. There is an introduction of about 8 minutes by myself [Cecil Andrews] and Pastor Gilley’s talk lasts 45 minutes.

For those in the UK, DVD’s can be ordered by writing to me [enclosing cheque for £8.00 payable to ‘Take Heed’ Publications] at ‘Take Heed’ Publications, PO Box 13, Ballynahinch, BT24 8AL, Northern Ireland.

As an alternative folks in the UK could order by email from me on takeheed@aol.com and could then make the appropriate payment of £8.00 through the secure ‘DONATION’ facility found on our website of https://www.takeheed.info

If you live outside the UK and wish to order the DVD please email me in the first instance on takeheed@aol.com so that I can advise you of the total costs, including overseas postage, and also discuss the payment alternatives available to you.

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 8 April 2006


Radio 4’s ‘Daily Service’ denies Christ’s ‘Substitutionary Atonement’

  • Louise Malone
  • c/o BBC
  • PO Box 27
  • Oxford Road
  • Manchester
  • M60 1 SJ
  • 3 April 2006

Dear Louise,

Radio 4 Daily Service 3 April 2006

I want to thank you for your sympathetic hearing given to my phone call today concerning the distress caused by the content of today’s ‘Daily Service’ that was presented by Michael Wakelin.

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News From The Front – September 2005

Dear praying friends,

This September marks the 15th anniversary of the founding of ‘Take Heed’ Ministries and the 14th anniversary of the first ‘broadsheet’ issue of News From The Front. In that first issue I wrote ‘It is a source of great encouragement to my wife Margaret and me to know that people are praying very specifically for the ministry of “Take Heed”’. Today we are still heartened to know that many people, including quite a number who received that first issue, are still prayerfully supporting us. Many too, along with others who have ‘enlisted’ over the years, have faithfully and generously supported the work and again we return our grateful thanks to all.

In the first issue I referred to several leaflets that we were publishing on the subjects of ‘The Hare Krishnas’ and ‘The Jehovah’s Witnesses’. As you will read in the separate enclosure with this newsletter we are hoping to publish a leaflet for distribution amongst Muslim neighbours who desperately need to be informed of the true Christian view of Islam and be presented with the true Christian Gospel. We covet very much your prayerful and practical support for this venture and if you can make use of these leaflets then please ask for a supply and pray for opportunities to use them as the Lord leads. Please also pray on for my niece Heather nearing the end of her chemotherapy sessions.

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News From The Front – March 2005

Dear praying friends,

On 2 separate occasions in early December my attention was drawn to the incident in the life of Matthew Henry some 300+ years ago when the gifted Bible Commentator was robbed and in his diary at the close of that day he wrote ‘Let me be thankful first, because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my purse, they did not take my life; third, because although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed’. That story was fresh in my mind when on 15th December whilst moving boxes in our roof space I, through my own negligence, fell out the opening up into our roof space and landed some 7 feet below on the broad of my back on our landing. I managed to get myself up onto our bed and as I lay there I thought of Matthew Henry and I simply prayed something along these lines ‘Let me be thankful first, because I have never fallen out of a roof space before; second, because although I am battered and bruised I’m not paralysed or killed; third, because although it was a big fall, the least possible has happened; and fourth, because it was I who fell and not Margaret’. To all who so regularly pray for the well being of Margaret and myself I say ‘thank you’ and I supremely thank the Lord that He cared when I was careless. As you will see from the enclosed schedule of meetings, Bob Liichow has not been able, due to family commitments, to come in April so I’m delighted to welcome back Alan Morrison to address the topic of ‘God [channel] TV’. Your prayers and attendance where possible will be welcomed.

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News From The Front – December 2004

Dear praying friends,

Yet another year is drawing to a close and as time runs its course surely God’s ‘awake’ people can clearly see the outworking of that which is clearly predicted in God’s Word. If today society has not already spiralled down and reached the levels of days similar to those of Noah and Lot [wicked and immoral] then all I can say is that those former days must have been truly and unimaginably horrendous days. God’s people are called to be “salt” and “light” but today the world witnesses a professing ‘Church’ that has no “savour” and radiates no discernable “light”. As Roger Oakland said during his recent visit, professing believers have got their eyes upon ‘men, methods & movements’ and as a result the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ has been buried under an avalanche of purpose-driven, alpha-inspired, unscriptural feel-good trivia. And all the time Rome is advancing her claims and cause to be God’s one true church. On page 16 you will find details of Roger Oakland’s latest and timely book ‘Another Jesus’. [Enclosed with this newsletter is a photocopy of its front cover together with a copy of the front cover of a book that I myself have just had published called ‘Try the spirits: Volume 1’ [for details visit ‘Twoedged Sword Pubilcations’]. This book is a compendium of my writings on C S Lewis; Philip Yancey & The Alpha Course. It can be ordered from me – price £5.50 [includes p&p]. Thank you all for another year of faithful prayerful and practical support.

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