Dear praying friends,
As you will see I am issuing a letter rather than a newsletter due to our present home and ministry set-up. We moved from Carryduff towards the end of July and are currently in rented accommodation pending completion of our new home. This is expected to be around the end of September and once the premises have been painted and carpets laid we hope to move in sometime between mid-end October. I want to thank all who prayed that we would find a buyer for our former home- the sale went very smoothly and we are grateful to our heavenly Father.
A new permanent ministry postal address has been established and is as follows
- Cecil Andrews,
- “Take Heed”,
- 29 Edengrove Park,
- Ballynahinch,
- BT24 8AZ,
- Northern Ireland
This should be used for all future mail being sent to me
- Telephone/Fax 028 9756 5511.
- E-MAIL –
- Website –
I want to record thanks to all who prayed for the June ministry trip to USA. I was well received at every meeting and many that attended expressed genuine appreciation for the helpful information passed on to them. Due to a happy change in the circumstances of the organiser in Slovakia [he is shortly getting married] the ministry trip to Slovakia [planned for August] has been ‘put on hold’.
“Take Heed” Mission 2000
The copies of my testimony and a special ‘Millennium Message’ gospel booklet were posted out not only to all the Roman Catholic priests in England and Wales but also to those in Scotland on Monday 14 August 2000 – a total of 6642 men. Fund details are –
- POSTAGE – £1319.02
- PHOTOCOPYING – £ 124.39
- BANK FEES – £ 10.74
- TOTAL COST – £2497.12
- SURPLUS – £ 521.68
It is with tremendous gratitude to God and His people that I have set these details before you and now I ask you to join with us in fervent prayer that God will move in many hearts and minds and glorify Himself in the salvation of precious souls. Do please also pray for Margaret and myself as already we have experienced ‘backlash’ from some recipients. As regards the ‘surplus’ funds I hope all will agree with my plans to allocate them to help fund the following meetings which are currently being planned for next March [DV].
In 1555 as Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer were being burned to death on the orders of Queen Mary because they refused to accept the teachings of the Roman Catholic church, Bishop Latimer uttered these famous words to his co-martyr Bishop Ridley
‘Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out’.
Sadly today the popularity of false religion of every hue has almost extinguished the light of biblical truth that Latimer and Ridley were prepared to give their all for. The false doctrines that they rejected unto death are widely admired and accepted even amongst those who would claim theological identity with these and others executed for their evangelical faith. Next March, Rob Zins, Tim Kauffman and Mike Gendron [all former Roman Catholics] plus myself hope to speak at conferences and meetings in both England and Ireland. Our theme will be ‘BIBLE TRUTH and ROMAN CATHOLICISM’. Plans for conferences in London [17 March in conjunction with CRN], Derbyshire [20&21 March @ Crich Baptist], Darlington [24 March @ Geneva Road] and Northern Ireland [31 March – venue to be agreed] are well advanced and I hope to give full details of these plus other meetings in my next [full] newsletter in December [DV]. Please be planning even now not only to pray for these meetings but also if possible to attend and encourage others also to come along and be equipped for today’s battle for the very gospel itself.
Neil Richardson [former president of the University College London Christian Union [1996-97] wrote 2 articles for the conservative Pentecostal magazine VANGUARD and these have now been published in a booklet entitled
‘Nicky Gumbel and the Alpha course – a tale of two cities’ Copies of this booklet may be purchased from me – cost £3.00 [includes p&p]
“Take Heed” Ministries – 10th Anniversary
It is hard to believe that 1st September 2000 will mark the 10th anniversary of the founding of “Take Heed” Ministries. Since then our heavenly Father has opened up an amazing variety of doors for service both near and far and having called us to this work He has faithfully provided and protected every step of the way. He has moved in the hearts of so many of God’s people who regularly receive our newsletters and/or attend our meetings and they have generously encouraged us in prayerful and practical ways as even this letter once more demonstrates. We stand on the brink of another move of faith to our new home and office premises and we thank all those who have supported and encouraged us. As we prepare for this new phase in our Christian ministry we ask you to continue your faithful prayerful remembrance of us as we embark on a new and I believe even more challenging decade in His service.
Your servants for Christ