Dear praying friends,
It is with mixed emotions that I come to prepare this latest issue of News From The Front. On the one hand I will be reporting on a very happy and blessed time of ministry and fellowship that Margaret and I enjoyed during our visit to America. Then on the other hand I will be voicing grave concerns on issues that I believe the true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must seriously face up to and with courage address.
In addition “Take Heed” is about to totally ‘go it alone’ [purely of course from a human standpoint – see page 16]. However we move forward with words from Joshua 1:7 as our heavenly prescription “only be thou strong and very courageous” and words from Genesis 46:3-4 as our heavenly pledge “fear not to go…I will go down with thee”.
Margaret and I want to record our thanks to all who have been so faithful and encouraging in recent months and we can assure you that God has been responding to the many prayers that have been offered on our behalf. Humbly we ask you to pray on for His cause and for His glory.
Your servant for Christ
Treasured Memories of Texas and Louisiana
The time spent by Margaret and myself with fellow believers that we met during our trip in March and April will not be easily if ever forgotten. Following a long but uneventful journey to Dallas via London and Chicago we were treated to rich hospitality for several days by a couple that opened their home and hearts to us. This was just a foretaste of how we would be treated for the next 16 days.
The EX CATHOLICS FOR CHRIST conference [26-27 March] saw us renewing fellowship with many like-minded friends who are labouring to defend the truth of the gospel and to reach the lost for Christ. The purpose of the conference was to review the impact of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together document that had been signed some 5 years earlier.
Not only was the document itself analysed afresh but also the confusing and gospel-damaging repercussions were detailed through talks and panel discussions. At the conclusion of the conference an almost unanimous resolution [approved by all but 2 or 3 of the 600 delegates present] was passed. It called for the ‘evangelical’ signers of the document [and the subsequent document of 1997 ‘The Gift Of Salvation’] to ‘publicly renounce the ECT accords and ask the church at large for forgiveness for their past participation in these accords’.
It will be interesting to see what if any response will be forthcoming from the likes of signers such as Charles Colson, JI Packer and Bill Bright [I will have more to say about these men later in this newsletter].
On Sunday 28 March I was privileged to speak to one of the adult Sunday School classes held at the host church for the conference – Countryside Bible Church [Pastor Tom Watson]. However the evening was a particular thrill for I shared the evening service there with my former pastor Philip De Courcy [recently graduated from Master’s Seminary in California and now pastoring a church in that area].
Next day having picked up a hired car we set off [with an unexpected passenger – Richard Bennett the former Dominican priest now of The Berean Beacon based in Portland, Oregon – Richard spoke at meetings for me in Ireland back in 1996] to drive to Shreveport in Louisiana. There we met up with the host pastor, Bill Ascol [Heritage Baptist Church] and also Pastor Jerry Moser [Bayou Du Large Baptist Church] who had organised our speaking engagements in Louisiana.
That same evening I spoke first, followed by Richard and then Jerry and the amusing highlight for me was when an elderly sister said she wanted to put a question to ‘the young man who spoke first’. Apparently she hadn’t quite heard something I had said – Margaret reckoned her eyesight was in worse shape than her hearing!
Next day it was off to Theriot where Jerry Moser’s fellowship was located and after a few wrong turns near Houma we arrived about an hour before the conference being held there began. Initially I was down to speak once but over the next 2 days that grew to 3 talks. Again we were touched by the loving hospitality showered upon us and it was also good to have the opportunity to spend time with Mike and Jane Gendron of ‘Proclaiming The Gospel’ based in Dallas. I am pleased to report that Mike [for whom prayer was requested in our June 1998 newsletter] was in good health.
This conference was held in the home of a deacon of Bayou Du Large Baptist Church – a home specially adapted to serve as a sanctuary and here’s why. When ECT was signed in 1994, 2 of the ‘evangelical’ signers were high-ranking officials in the Southern Baptist Convention. Bayou Du Large, comprised mostly of ex Roman Catholics and Episcopalians, was a mission church within SBC. Because they challenged those within SBC who signed the document the ‘mother’ church in Houma sacked Jerry Moser and banned the fellowship from using a building [opened in 1994] which the fellowship itself had put up and paid for.
With clear conviction that these meetings in Louisiana had been ordained of God we said our farewells to Jerry and Cindy Moser, their family and fellowship and headed back [minus Richard Bennett who was returning to Oregon] into Texas. There for 8 days we enjoyed further Godly hospitality as we ministered in Friendswood, Navasota and Austin.
After an overall total of 12 speaking engagements, 2 radio interviews and 1 video interview we finally began our journey home on Friday 9 April. After a straightforward flight, Dallas – Washington, we then sat for 4 hours in our plane whilst a thunderstorm rolled through. When we did take off we had to fly through most of that weather so that was ‘interesting’. Despite a missed connection in London we got safely to Belfast and arrived home 10 April – tired but thrilled by our whole trip.
We saw some well known sights – Dealy Plaza where John F Kennedy was assassinated; The Alamo where Texas liberty was fought for and the Houston Space Centre – the nerve centre for much of the USA space programme. Interesting as these places were, our abiding and treasured memory will be of the sweet fellowship with and the kindness of God’s people all along our way. To one and all we say – ‘Grateful thanks’.
A Tale of Two Videos
Beware ‘The Lamb of God”
Just before Easter this year a concerted newspaper advertising campaign was mounted to promote a free video called The Lamb Of God. The wording in The Times Weekend of 27 March read as follows
‘This beautiful Easter video, The Lamb of God, is yours…FREE! Call now to receive your won copy’
I read similar adverts during our trip to America so this was a world-wide push to get this video into peoples’ hands. It referred to ‘what many Christians believe is the most significant moment in history – Christ’s resurrection’ and speaks of ‘His promise that life will continue beyond death’. However – don’t be fooled by this bible-speak for this video is being marketed by THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS – better known as THE MORMONS. I have obtained my own copy – it is reasonably accurate on historical detail but devoid of doctrinal content. There is telephone follow-up offering visitation and a free copy of the Book of Mormon and a short presentation – as I write this I’m waiting to be contacted by ‘elders in the locality’ so perhaps I’ll have more to report in our next newsletter [DV].
Seventh Day Adventism
This excellent new video [50 minutes] sub-titled The Spirit Behind The Church features teaching and testimonies by former members and can be obtained from us – price £16.00 [includes p&p].
In USA it can be obtained from Calvary Community Church PO Box 39607 Phoenix AZ 85069 – phone 602-973-4768 or fax 602-789-7165 Cost including postage should be around $22.00.
Brendan McCarthy’s ‘Alternative Declaration’ of Fundamental Religious Principles
Christians in Northern Ireland were asked to ‘sign up’ to a “declaration of fundamental religious principles” drawn up by Brendan McCarthy of Omagh Community Church. Before looking at the “declaration” I think it would be helpful for people to know a few things about Mr McCarthy. By his own testimony he was raised as a Roman Catholic who in his teenage years had a ‘charismatic’ experience. He has told of how people from the Protestant churches appeared sceptical at times concerning his ‘conversion’. He studied for the Church of Ireland ministry and in 1994 was rector of St Columba’s in Omagh. In July of that he year he partnered JESUIT priest John McDade in the public debate I organised on the topic ‘Should Protestants and Catholics Worship Together’? Mr McCarthy and Mr McDade were arguing in favour of joint worship and their opponents were Dave Hunt and Bart Brewer [former Roman Catholic priest]. Mr McCarthy in his opening submission repeatedly stated ‘how can one sinner saved by grace not worship with another sinner saved by grace’? In pursuing this line of argument he was ignoring the great differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism when it comes to their understanding of (1) ‘a sinner’ (2) ‘saved’ and (3) ‘grace’ for these terms do not have the same meanings in both religious systems. Many people stated after the debate that they were baffled as to why Mr McCarthy had actually left the Roman Catholic Church. [He has a wife and family which of course would be taboo for a Roman Catholic priest so perhaps this had some bearing on his original decision and if so I would not fault him for that].
In June of 1996 he resigned from St Columba’s after his desire to introduce aspects of worship then associated with the so-called ‘Toronto Blessing’ caused problems within the church and he went on to head up the new Omagh Community Church. He took a leading role in the public [ecumenical] service held in Omagh after the terrible bomb last year.
Concerning this “declaration” he asked people to assemble in Belfast [beside the Waterfront Hall] on Saturday 22 May 1999 [the day of the Lord Mayor’s show in Belfast] and declare publicly their support for what is contained in the declaration. I am now going to set out various clauses in the “declaration” and then give my comments on them.
As a follower of Jesus I…RECOGNIZE that all traditions involved in shaping Irish history have sinned and have been sinned against.
Here those who claim to be ‘Christian’ in Ireland are being segregated into various ‘traditions’. True Christians do not belong to any ‘tradition’ but they belong to Christ “ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price” 1Cor.6:19-20. ‘Traditions’ don’t sin – people sin!
REPENT of the sins of the tradition of which I am or have been a part
The same rejection of clause 1 applies here. For a good example of this ‘sins of the tradition’ nonsense one only has to look at the EVANGELICALS and CATHOLICS TOGETHER IN IRELAND booklet issued last year where the following horrendous ‘joint repentance’ was set out on page 14 ‘we acknowledge with sorrow and shame the genocidal CHRISTIAN persecution of the Jews during the crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and more recently the holocaust’.
These terrible atrocities were not perpetrated by CHRISTIANS but by baptised Roman Catholics urged on and in some cases brought to power by the Pope. Shame on the so-called ‘Evangelicals’ who put their names to such a revisionist [theologically] view of history!
REJECT all covenants/ blood sacrifices other than those incorporated in the New Covenant centred on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross
I have at times heard that much paramilitary activity has been accompanied by taking blood oaths supposedly drawn up during earlier periods of Ireland’s bloody history. I claim no expertise in this subject and am merely assuming that this clause has some reference to these oaths but I am willing to be corrected on this matter. However 2 things do concern me. There is only ONE New Covenant and ONE blood sacrifice [the FINISHED work of Christ on Calvary] which Christians acknowledge so why has Mr McCarthy used the plural ‘those incorporated in the New Covenant’? Secondly, why has he omitted any reference to Christians rejecting an UNBLOODY SACRIFICE which claims to be a continuation of Christ’s FINISHED sacrifice on the cross and which claims to be TRULY PROPITIATORY [Council of Trent Session XX11 Chapter 2]. This same chapter claims that ‘Christ is…immolated [killed]’ during the SACRIFICE of the Mass even though Paul writes in Romans 6:9 “Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him”. This appears to be a rather glaring omission on Mr McCarthy’s part until one remembers his staunch advocacy of joint ecumenical worship.
COMMIT myself to spreading the gospel without identifying it with any single culture, political philosophy, ecclesiastical body or national identity
I share very much his rejection of any linkage between the gospel and culture, politics etc. The problem is ‘WHAT IS “THE GOSPEL”?’ Is it the Historic Evangelical message of an all-sufficient Saviour or is it the false gospel of Rome’s insufficient ‘Saviour’ whose work needs to be supplemented by the good works and sufferings of individuals who have first been ‘energised’ by Roman Catholic Church dispensed ‘grace’ through the priest-ordered sacramental system? No true CHRISTIAN should have anything to do with Mr McCarthy’s ‘ACT OF REPENTANCE AND RECONCILIATION’. He has shown that he is quite comfortable to ‘fellowship’ with the false Roman Catholic ‘gospel’ system and so he should be treated as outlined in Romans 16:17 “Mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and AVOID THEM”.
Habitat For Humanity – Northern Ireland
I recently received unsolicited notification concerning the work of the above charity that described itself as ‘a Belfast-based cross-community Christian housing charity – part of the International Habitat for Humanity organisation’. A 4-page letter to ‘Dear friend’ outlined the purpose and goals, cited a practical example and invited me to help in these words ‘please don’t delay with your gift…you have it in your hands to change the future’. In this 4-page letter not one mention is made of Christ or Calvary being the foundation upon which true hope and peace is built as we read in 1st Corinthians 3:11. Instead we read ‘supporting cross-community projects is the most practical way you can play a part in building lasting peace in our communities’.
Whatever happened to prayer and preaching the gospel?
In a 1992 Fact Sheet issued in advance of a visit to Belfast by the founder, Millard Fuller, we read ‘Habitat for Humanity International is an ecumenical Christian housing ministry…An ecumenical board of 29 people meets 3 times a year to determine policy and monitor operations’. The ‘ecumenical’ flavour of this organisation is well reflected in ‘The Patrons’ of the Northern Ireland operation. Listed amongst them are Roman Catholic Bishop Michael Dallat, former Presbyterian Moderator John Dunlop, Retired Church of Ireland Bishop Gordon McMullan, Presbyterian elder David Hewitt and Roman Catholic Monsignor Tom Toner. This organisation, enthusiastically endorsed by Paul Clark of UTV, is an embodiment of today’s popular but false social gospel that gives pride of place to human works rather than to Christ’s work.
Concern For The Future of Disabled Christian Fellowship
In the latter part of 1998 plans were at an advanced stage for a take-over of the DISABLED CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP RESOURCES CENTRE based in Bristol. The planned take-over was by a group called THROUGH THE ROOF which describes itself as ‘the operating name of JAF Ministries UK…It is the UK outreach of Joni Eareckson Tada. I want at this point to say that I have had no reasons for concern in relation to the work and witness of Joni and I have often cited her godly example when refuting the heresies of the so-called Health and Wealth Gospel.
The DISABLED CHRISTIANS’ FELLOWSHIP OF IRELAND that operates independently was approached by THROUGH THE ROOF and asked to consider a possible merger which it was felt would be beneficial to both ministries. Why then have I used the headline ‘CONCERN FOR THE FUTURE’? My concern came as a result of looking at the composition of the Council of Reference of this ministry THROUGH THE ROOF. Here are some of its members.
Lord [David] Alton of Liverpool – Roman Catholic
Lyndon Bowring of CARE – advocate of RODNEY HOWARD BROWNE of ‘holy laughter’ infamy
Steve Chalke – TV presenter – ecumenical and open to ‘Toronto’
Faith Forster – wife of Roger Forster, a co-founder of ‘March For Jesus’ and promoter of the heresy of ‘territorial spirits’
RT Kendall – supporter of ‘Toronto’ and RODNEY HOWARD BROWNE
Gerald Coates – supporter of ‘Toronto’ and RODNEY HOWARD BROWNE, and teaches ‘I believe there are discrepancies in the gospels’
It would be I believe a matter of great concern to many supporters of the DISABLED CHRISTIANS’ FELLOWSHIP OF IRELAND if such people came to have influence and input into this fine organisation.
Standing Room Only!
Earlier I mentioned the particular joy [page 3] of linking up in Texas with my former pastor – Philip De Courcy at the EX CATHOLICS FOR CHRIST conference. Philip’s presence there coincided with the publication of his first book entitled ‘Standing Room Only’ which is based upon Luther’s refusal to withdraw his criticisms of Roman Catholicism and his famous declaration ‘here I stand’.
Philip’s book is an up to date appraisal of the drift away from historic evangelicalism by the signers of the 1994 ‘Evangelicals and Catholics Together’ document. This is a very readable book designed not to tickle the academic mind but to teach the average mind [that’s the category I put myself in]. A good example is found on page 40 where referring to
‘Christian movements that accept so much biblical truth that their unscriptural doctrines seem relatively insignificant and harmless’ Philip goes on to write
‘A red alert must be sounded within Evangelicalism because Catholicism is this type of gospel. To the essential truths and core beliefs of the gospel they add and append doctrines which subtract from Christ and His sufficiency. To the Bible they add tradition. To the headship of Christ over the church they add the pope. To justification they add sanctification, making them both the same. To Christ as our high priest they add Mary and the saints. To grace they add merit. To faith they add works. To heaven and hell they add purgatory. To one atoning sacrifice of Christ they add the mass. To the throne of grace they add the confessional box. The Judaizers of Paul’s day were mere amateurs compared to the Romanists of today in supplementing and supplanting the gospel of Jesus Christ with a mongrel gospel’.
This excellent book can be obtained from us – price £8.00 [includes p&p].
The Salvation Army Sadly out of Tune
I was sent a copy of THE WAR CRY [3 October 1998] – the weekly newspaper issued by THE SALVATION ARMY and it made sad reading. On page 2 there is a review of ‘Greenbelt ’98’ described as ‘Europe’s largest festival of Christian arts’. The report tells us ‘Chart band Delirious? drove the crowds, er, delirious, but the best reception was saved for Greenbelt favourites, Fat and Frantic, who re-formed for the occasion. They ensured Greenbelt number 25 went out with a bang, thanks to a mix of inspired madness and a dash of religion, with songs leaping from ‘Last Night My Wife Hoovered My Head’ to ‘Precious Lord’. I was reminded of Ezekiel 22:26 where the Lord lamented over the priests in Jerusalem “they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean”.
On the centre pages [4-5] there is a feature ‘CHRISTIANS IN THE HOUSE’ with the explanation ‘Christian MPs of all parties talk to Nigel Bovey about their beliefs’. The ‘Christian MP’ featured in this issue was Seamus Mallon. We learn this about Mr Mallon Seamus came from a “very traditional Catholic family…You attended mass on Sunday, you went to confession and woe betide you if you didn’t!…I still worship on a Sunday. I’m no Holy Joe but it is a fundamental part of my life…I have one great belief – the strength of the human spirit is what overcomes problems”. True Christians know that exactly the opposite is true – ‘the human spirit’ better known as “the pride of life” [1 John 2:16] is the root cause of problems as we read in Psalm 10:4 and 2 Chronicles 32:26.
On page 6 we have BOOK REVIEWS and on that page under a heading ‘Wisdom for a whole year from Mother Teresa’ we have no less than 2 book reviews linked to her life and beliefs. One book offers ‘meditations for each day of the year’ and the other is her ‘remarkable life…for the first time in paperback’. The scripture-contradicting, broad-road views of Mother Teresa have been documented in previous newsletters. On the same page Stella Harrison reviews a ‘book that totally changed my life – THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING by NORMAN VINCENT PEALE’. Need I say more?
Based on the contents of this paper this is an ARMY that at command level can no longer distinguish friend from foe. “if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle”? [1 Corinthians 14:8]
Who are the “Ravening Wolves” of Matthew 7:15
I wrote on page 1 of ‘issues that I believe the true Church must seriously face up to and with courage address’. One of the most solemn but I believe neglected [by the Church] warnings given by the Lord Himself is found in Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves”. The Lord is stating that men of high rank and reputation will be found in the Church. They will be in positions of influence and responsibility [“prophets” = teachers] but rather than helping God’s sheep they will harm God’s sheep. In recent years a number of high profile so-called ‘Evangelicals’ have begun through their practices and preaching to bare their teeth and as one of God’s sheep I AM WORRIED. I am not here stating that these men are “ravening wolves” but in my view they are certainly behaving as such. Here are some of those giving me grounds for concern.
Is married to a practising Roman Catholic.
Wrote a favourable foreword to the book ‘Evangelical Catholics’ by Keith Fournier who is a practising Roman Catholic.
Having stood down as head of ‘Prison Ministries’ Mr Colson appointed Mike Timmins as successor – Mr Timmins is a practising Roman Catholic on the board of ‘Promise Keepers’
Wrote a favourable endorsement for the book ‘Ecumenical Jihad’ by Peter Kreeft who is a practising Roman Catholic [Mr Kreeft wrote in the book ‘The power that will reunite the Church and win the world is Eucharisitic adoration’ ie worshipping a piece of bread as God]
Falsely taught in his book ‘The Body’ concerning ‘indulgences’ that ‘today they are gone’ [The Berean Call newsletter by Dave Hunt – April 1993. In my last newsletter I detailed how the current pope has issued terms and conditions for earning a JUBILEE INDULGENCE in the year 2000].
In 1993 accepted at the Parliament of the World’s Religions [a multi-faith mutual admiration get together] the Templeton Prize For Progress in Religion. The winner is selected by a panel comprising Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus etc. John Marks Templeton who donates the prize is a ‘Wall Street money manager…best known for having established a religion prize…currently more than $1 million…an evolutionist, pantheist, universalist and occultist who rejects the gospel of Jesus Christ’ [Dave Hunt – The Berean Call – May 1996]
Was part of a group involved in ‘greeting the pope at the New York residence of His Eminence John Cardinal O’Connor’ [‘Standing Room Only’ – Philip De Courcy – page 27]
Along with Roman Catholic ‘Father’ Richard Neuhaus drew up the 1994 ‘Evangelicals and Catholics Together’ document.
Endorsed and has since defended the 1994 ‘ECT’ document.
Launched and promoted jointly along with ‘Father’ Pat Collins the ‘Evangelicals and Catholics Together in Ireland’ document.
Publicly praised and promoted the book ‘Adventures in Reconciliation–29 Catholic Testimonies’[‘Evangelical Catholic’ production]
Publicly described the current pope as a ‘fine Christian man’
Was part of a committee that in 1985 found Tony Campolo ‘free from heresy’. [Campolo teaches ‘Jesus is waiting mystically and wonderfully in every person I meet…The difference between a Christian and non-Christian is not that Jesus isn’t in the non-Christian – the difference is that the Jesus who is within him is a Jesus to whom he will not surrender his life…There are those who would limit Jesus to be being present only in those who acknowledge Him as Lord and Saviour but I will not accept that limitation. I believe Jesus is present even in those who refuse him’] – Add Mr Campolo to my ‘wolf-suspects’!
Wrote the following on the cover of ‘Ecumenical Jihad’ [see under point 4 for Charles Colson] With entertaining insight Kreeft looks into the attitudes, alliances and strategies that today’s state of affairs requires of believers. Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox alike need to ponder Peter Kreeft’s vision of things – preferably in discussion together. What if he is right?
Is known to employ a substantial number of practising Roman Catholics in Campus Crusade For Christ. A Dutch brother recently wrote ‘We have also expressed our concern about the different contacts which are being made between Protestants and Catholics. The most up to date example of this is an article written by the director of Agape, Hans Pruis, in “de Uitdaging” (The Challenge). He writes that he is pleased with the beginning of a collaboration in the Netherlands between his organisation and the Roman Catholic church. This collaboration fits in perfectly with the policy which Agape International is following via Campus Crusade For Christ. The International director is an American, Bill Bright who is one of those who signed the ECT agreement. Hans Pruis shared in his magazine that working together with Roman Catholics is not so strange and that it has been taking place much longer in other lands. The leader of Agape in Austria is a Roman Catholic’ [Back to the Bible Workgroup Newsletter by R Vd Kraats February 1999]
Endorsed the 1994 ‘ECT’ document.
Accepted the Templeton Prize For Progress In Religion in 1996. Accepted the prize at a ceremony in a Roman Catholic chapel in Rome in the presence of Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. He addressed him as ‘Your Eminence Cardinal Cassidy’ [Dave Hunt – The Berean Call – September 1996 and May 1998]. Cardinal Cassidy is ranked 3 in the Vatican after the pope and Ratzinger and has been involved in the ECT consultations.
God’s sheep must be fenced off from “ravening wolves” or ‘look-alikes’ – even those previously held in high regard!
PS The influence of John Marks Templeton extends even to my own country where a project focussing on ‘forgiveness between the two communities’ is being funded by the John Templeton Foundation. The research project is being carried out by the ‘Centre For The Study Of Conflict’ based at the University of Ulster, Coleraine. Another Templeton prize-winner and ECT signer, Roman Catholic Michael Novak spoke in May in Union Theological College Belfast.
On the front page of my March 1999 NEWS FROM THE FRONT I wrote in relation to new ‘funding arrangements’ concerning my involvement with Breda Centre ‘The new arrangements were agreed’. At the time I penned those words [late February 1999] they were written in hope and anticipation. The suggested revised arrangements had been submitted by myself to the Trustees of Breda Centre on 11 December 1998. I had expected that I would have have met and hopefully agreed matters with them well before the issue of my March newsletter which also coincided with our departure to America for the conference in Dallas and other ministry meetings. Unfortunately the meeting with the Trustees did not take place until Monday 22 March – 2 days before our departure to America. It was vital for me to issue our newsletter so that people could pray for us during our time in America so it went out as originally drafted some weeks earlier. In truth I did not envisage any major changes to the arrangements submitted to the Trustees for their consideration. However having given the matter their consideration they wrote to me in mid May along lines that set out a complete disengagement of myself from the work of Breda Centre. I was offered the opportunity for “Take Heed” to maintain an office in the Breda Centre premises on a rental basis. However, as I had previously explained to them that financially this would be a ‘non-starter’, all official connection between myself and Breda Centre has ceased as from 1 June 1999. All “Take Heed” affairs will now be handled from our home address in Carryduff. As a result of these [final] new arrangements the financial shortfall will be much higher than the figure quoted in our ‘FUNDING’ letter issued in January. Nonetheless our confidence is in the God whom Paul extols in Philippians 4:19. We ask you to pray with us and for us as “Take Heed” goes forward in service and in even deeper faith and confidence in Jehovah Jireh.