News From The Front – December 2005

Dear praying friends,

Let me first update you on some matters that you have been praying about. My niece Heather underwent a scan after her 6 chemo sessions finished and she was told that the cancer is now in remission for which we praise God. She is hoping perhaps to start work early in the New Year [DV]. Her condition will be closely and regularly monitored. Please pray on for her physical AND spiritual needs. For those who received details of the French Court Case involving our brother in Christ, Axel, a verdict is expected in early December [see blue enclosure] – again do please pray on that he will be released back to his family.

Again I would earnestly covet your prayers for what is shaping up to be a very busy first 4 months of 2006 [DV]. Please pray that many will attend and be helped by the seminars on Islam [see pages 3-4] and also through the special meetings involving Pastor Gary Gilley [see pages 7-10].

Next year [DV] will also herald for me one of those ‘landmark’ birthdays so please do pray that the Lord will graciously enable me to continue “with patience the race that is set before me” [Hebrews 12:1]. Margaret and I thank you for all your love and kindness at this the end of yet another year.

Your servant for Christ


  • Christianity and Islam: ‘Kissing Cousins?’

‘Kissing Cousins’ is the name of a recently published book that was reviewed by Kenwyn Pierce in the quarterly magazine ‘Inside Out’ [Issue 45: June- August 2005] issued by the Council for World Mission. On their website the Council for World Mission state –

CWM was established in 1977 in its present form. It grew out of the London Missionary Society (LMS, founded 1795), the Commonwealth (Colonial) Missionary Society (1836) and the (English) Presbyterian Board of Missions (1847). Most member churches have backgrounds in the Reformed tradition. Many are United churches…The organisation has 31 members in: the Pacific (9), Europe (5), East Asia (6), Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (5), South Asia (4), and the Caribbean (2).

The author of the book is Bill Musk and he is referred to in the review as ‘a former missionary and evangelical minister’. I want to quote some extracts from the review [the underlines are mine] –

‘Musk suggests that Christians have to rethink their approach to Islam by going back to the concept of Islam in the Koran as a personal, active faith expressed through obedience to God. Christians may find that they have far more in common with Muslims than they might expect…For Musk, Mohammed himself is a prophet in the biblical sense and should be recognised as part of the same tradition…Islam as a faith expressed in terms of active belief and ongoing trust in God is similar to Christian faith…Musk offers a retelling of the Jesus story that – while remaining true to the biblical account – makes sense to the Islamic mindset…Musk suggests that Christians and Muslims have more in common if Jesus’ work of defeating the works of the Devil are emphasised [1 John 3:8]. Muslims need to return to faith as described in the early part of the Koran. It is the verses revealed to the Prophet Mohammed in Mecca, which have a considerable connection with the Bible, to which Muslims must now pay attention…This is not an academic work in comparative religion…It is rather a call to action, to better understanding and to better relations’.

I have read only this review but assuming that it is an accurate reflection of the contents then I would view it as a very dangerous book in that it suggests that Christians and Muslims are somehow in the same ‘family’ – hence the title ‘Kissing Cousins?’ Any faithful ‘retelling of the Jesus story’ and emphasis on ‘Jesus’ work of defeating the works of the Devil’ must centre on and stand on Christ’s atoning death on The Cross and as Muslims emphatically deny the atoning death of Christ at Calvary they simply cannot be in any way spiritually related to Christians and so ‘better relations’ cannot be cultivated in any spiritual sense whatsoever. The next pages detail ‘Seminars on Islam’ to be held in 2006 [DV]. Please pray for the Lord to use them for His glory.

‘Take Heed’ Ministries, 29 Edengrove Park, Ballynahinch, BT24 8AZ, Northern Ireland Tel./Fax 028 9756 5511: E-Mail – Website Invite you in JANUARY – MARCH 2006 [DV] to a SERIES OF SEMINARS ON ISLAM: HELPFUL INFORMATION FOR CHRISTIANS Lecturer: Dave Miller [Alabama] In a series of 3 lectures, recorded on DVD, Dave Miller will consider

  1. The Prophet and The Pillars
  2. The Koran and Inspiration
  3. Doctrinal Differences


  • Tues 31 January – 8.00pm – Cookstown Baptist Church – Prophet & Pillars
  • Wed 1 February – 8.00pm – Cookstown Baptist Church – Koran & Inspiration
  • Thurs 2 February – 8.00pm – Cookstown Baptist Church – Doctrinal Differences
  • Tues 7 February – 8.00pm Olivet Hall – Mount Merrion Avenue – Prophet & Pillars
  • Wed 8 February – 8.00pm Olivet Hall – Mount Merrion Avenue – Koran & Inspiration
  • Thurs 9 February – 8.00pm Olivet Hall – Mount Merrion Avenue – Doctrinal Differences
  • Tues 14 February – 8.00pm – Lisburn Independent Methodist – Prophet & Pillars
  • Wed 15 February – 8.00pm – Lisburn Independent Methodist – Koran & Inspiration
  • Thurs 16 February – 8.00pm – Lisburn – Independent Methodist – Doctrinal Differences
  • Tues 21 February – 8.00pm – Warrenpoint Baptist Church – Prophet & Pillars
  • Wed 22 February – 8.00pm – Warrenpoint Baptist Church – Koran & Inspiration
  • Thurs 23 February – 8.00pm – Warrenpoint Baptist Church – Doctrinal Differences
  • Tues 28 February – 8.00pm – Stonepark Baptist Church – Prophet & Pillars
  • Wed 1 March – 8.00pm – Stonepark Baptist Church – Koran & Inspiration
  • Thurs 2 March – 8.00pm – Stonepark Baptist Church – Doctrinal Differences
  • Tues 7 March – 8.00pm – Ballyclare Baptist Church – Prophet & Pillars
  • Wed 8 March – 8.00pm – Ballyclare Baptist Church – Koran & Inspiration
  • Thurs 9 March – 8.00pm – Ballyclare – Baptist Church- Doctrinal Differences
  • Mormons – Christian?

As further evidence that there appears to be a deliberate attempt to convince Evangelical Christians that Mormons are their brothers and sisters in Christ [June 2005: News From The Front: ‘After ECT will there be an EMT?’] one only has to read these extracts from a planned conference [‘Joseph Smith at 200’: 24-28 October 2005] that was organised by ‘The Religious Studies Department at Centenary College of Louisiana, in association with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Shreveport Louisiana Stake’. December 2005 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism. Here are details of some of the lectures and speakers involved in the conference:

  • Monday, October 24
  • “American Prophet: The Story of Joseph Smith”
  • Tuesday, October 25
  • “How Mormonism is Christian: Locating Mormonism on the Religious Landscape”
  • Thursday, October 26
  • [11.00am] “The Risks and the Rewards of Interfaith Dialogue”
  • [7.00pm] “An Evangelical and a Latter-day Saint in Dialogue”

The Tuesday [October 25] lecture was given by Dr Jan Shipps and from the conference website we read this about Dr Shipps – ‘Jan Shipps is a Professor Emerita of History and Religious Studies at Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis. A graduate of Utah State University, she received the M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Colorado. [She is] The premier non-Mormon scholar of LDS history and a member of the United Methodist Church’.

The Thursday [October 26] talk and dialogue involved Robert Millet and Greg Johnston, both of whom featured in my June 2005 article. The details for them on the conference website read as follows –

‘Robert L. Millet is Richard L. Evans Professor of Religious Understanding and Professor of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University. He received the B.S. and M.S. in Psychology from Brigham Young University and the Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Florida State University. He is the author of numerous books and articles, including A Different Jesus?’ and

‘Gregory Johnson is an ordained Conservative Baptist minister. He graduated from Westmont College with the B.A. in Social Science and received the Master of Divinity degree from Denver Theological Seminary. He is President of Standing Together Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of cooperation and mutual understanding among Christian groups in Utah.’

I think we must ‘watch this space’ on this ever-growing deception.


In the wake of my article speculating on a possible future ‘Evangelicals and Mormons Together’ agreement [June 2005: News From The Front: ‘After ECT will there be an EMT?’] it is clear that the BBC will have no problem accommodating such a concept and indeed in many respects they appear already to be ‘ahead of the pack’. During their supposedly Christian ‘Songs of Praise’, broadcast from Blackpool on 4th September 2005, one of those interviewed, not only about his singing career, but also about his ‘faith’ was Jimmy Osmond, one member of the high-profile Mormon Osmond family. It was therefore very refreshing, from a Biblical Christian standpoint, to read the following statement issued by Dr John MacArthur on the subject of Mormonism

When I met with Robert Millet [Mormon Professor at Brigham Young University] I expressed my conviction as clearly as possible that the God of the Bible is a completely different God from the god of Mormonism, that the Christ of Scripture is a wholly different Christ from the christ of Mormonism, and the true gospel is a radically different gospel from the gospel of Mormonism. I have maintained a cordial relationship with Dr. Millet for the sake of the truth, and am happy to provide him with as much of my material as he wishes to read. But my concern is for the truth; I’m not interested in artificial harmony between two contradictory faiths. For that reason I have consistently made clear in all my dialogue with Dr. Millet that there is no spiritual common ground between biblical Christianity and Mormonism.

I would never deliberately equivocate on the truth or do anything that might lend credence to Mormonism. I’m convinced (as are all who understand Scripture accurately) that Mormonism is a false religion, generated by Satan. It is a damnable heresy, and in the words of Paul, ‘a different gospel,’ under God’s ‘anathema’.


When Tony Blair and ‘New Labour’ swept to power they ‘purposed’ to reform many aspects of British life – The Health Service, Education, Prisons and so on. However it is reported that on one occasion, when Alistair Campbell was in ‘full spin’, he apparently said about Mr Blair and The Labour Government ‘we don’t do God’ – in other words it was not their ‘purpose’ to reform ‘church life’. However over recent decades others have arisen and their aim has indeed been to ‘do God’ – in other words they have ‘purposed’ to totally reform ‘church life’ and this ‘purpose’ – to radically reform ‘church life’ – has in particular gathered steam over the last 4-5years although it has been very much on the go since about the mid 1970’s.

The best known Ministers and Churches in the Vanguard of this new ‘EMERGING CHRISTIANITY’ would probably be BILL HYBELS of WILLOW CREEK [1975], ROBERT SCHULLER of the CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL [1980], RICK WARREN of SADDLEBACK CHURCH [1980] and another ‘emerging’ name would be BRIAN McCLAREN who is identified with this group known as THE EMERGING CHURCH – on a church level he pastors Cedar Ridge Community Church in Spencerville, Maryland. This whole concept of reforming church life has had various names given to it such as ‘seeker sensitive’, ‘user friendly’, ‘purposeful’ and ‘emerging’.

It will be totally impossible to do justice to such a vast subject in this article so I plan just to examine through headings and brief explanations some of the traits associated with what have been dubbed ‘The New Paradigm Churches’. Pastor Gary Gilley of Southern View Chapel [USA] wrote an article entitled ‘The Market-Driven Church’ and in it he stated that ‘New Paradigm Churches…are identified by a philosophy of ministry intentionally designed to effect numerical growth. In their church growth, more attention is paid to market strategy, business techniques and demographics [population studies] than to New Testament instruction.

Further light was shed on the strategy and aims of today’s ‘emerging’ Christian leaders when a number of them assembled to speak at the Baptist World Alliance congress held in Birmingham [England] in July 2005. In a press interview, one newspaper reported as follows – ‘Urging Christians to pursue “a new reformation” in the 21st century, Rick Warren told delegates to the Baptist World Centenary Congress, “The first Reformation was about belief. This one needs to be about behaviour.”

In the earlier quote by Gary Gilley he wrote of how people would pay more attention to an assortment of matters in preference to ‘New Testament instruction’. This was amply demonstrated in the following report of a statement by Rick Warren – “I see absolutely zero reason in separating my fellowship from anybody”…Noting he has theological differences with many of the diverse denominations that invite him to speak, Warren added, “That doesn’t stop me from fellowshipping with them.” I believe that God’s Word in for example 2 Thessalonians 3:6&14 teaches something quite different.

On May 23, 2005 Rick Warren was a guest speaker at The Pew and Religion Forum and there he expressed some views on one of those other ‘denominations’, namely Roman Catholicism – ‘I would encourage you to look at this evolving alliance between evangelical Protestants and Catholics, particularly in the evangelical wing of Catholicism. Now when you get 25 percent of America, which is basically Catholic, and you get 28 to 29 percent of America, which is evangelical, together, that’s called a majority. And it is a very powerful bloc, if they happen to stay together on particular issues.’

Little wonder then that when in England in July, Rick Warren not only spoke at the BWA Congress, where his fellow speakers, linked to the ‘emerging’ church, included Tony Campolo and Steve Chalke but he also spoke at a C S Lewis Institute gathering in Oxford and Cambridge and amongst his fellow speakers there were Charles Colson [joint architect of ‘Evangelicals and Catholics Together’ (1994)] and Peter Kreeft [Roman Catholic author of the book ‘Ecumenical Jihad’ that states on page 164 ‘The power that will reunite the Church and win the world is Eucharistic Adoration’. – A book that carried favourable endorsements on its back cover by Charles Colson and J I Packer].

Earlier I wrote ‘I plan just to examine through headings and brief explanations some of the traits associated’ and the following table contains these ‘headings and brief explanations’.

  • THE THINKING – Don’t offend
  • THE TACTICS – Discover needs
  • THE TREND – Discard tradition
  • THE TWISTING – Distort scriptures
  • THE TREACHERY – Ditch objectors
  • THE TRICK – Delight everyone
  • THE TRAGEDY – Dubious ‘conversions’
  • THE TEACHERS – Deceived and Deceiving
  • 19 March 2006 – 4 April 2006 [DV]

One of the reasons I haven’t gone very deeply in this article into all the matters associated with this subject of the ‘emerging’ church is that I have invited Pastor Gary Gilley to come to the Province and speak on this challenging topic. His talks will be entitled as per this article namely – “Today’s Church Is ‘Changing’: What On Earth Is ‘Emerging’?” Earlier this year Pastor Gilley had a series of articles published in Evangelical Times called ‘Modern Christian Mysticism’.

With our next newsletter [March 2006 (DV)] I shall include the leaflet giving the full schedule of where Gary Gilley will be speaking but meantime the details follow this article and I do covet your prayers, especially for Gary, as he would be putting together the talk to be given.

  • Schedule of meetings for Gary Gilley
  • 19th March 2006 – 4th April 2006 [DV]

Day and Date – Time – Location 

  • Sunday 19 March – 7.00pm – Warrenpoint Baptist
  • Monday 20 March  – 8.00pm –  Bethel Free Presby. Enniskillen
  • Tuesday 21 March – 7.45pm  – Newtownards Baptist
  • Wednesday 22 March – 8.00pm – Ballynahinch Congregational
  • Thursday 23 March  – 8.00pm –  Kilkeel Baptist
  • Friday 24 March – 10.00am – Belfast City Mission
  • Saturday 25 March –  8.00pm –  WORD Mission near Moira
  • Sunday 26 March – 11.30am – Mountpottinger Baptist [Ministry]
  • Sunday 26 March – 7.00pm – Princes Drive Ev. Fellowship
  • Monday 27 March – 8.00pm – Coagh Baptist
  • Tuesday 28 March – 8.00pm – Hillsborough Free Presbyterian
  • Wednesday 29 March – 8.00pm – Limavady Baptist
  • Thursday 30 March – 8.00pm – Ballymoney Free Presbyterian
  • Friday 31 March – 8.00pm – Meeting House Randalstown
  • Saturday 1 April – 7.45pm – Grace Baptist [Tullycarnet]
  • Sunday 2 April – 11.30am – Lisburn Baptist [Ministry]
  • Sunday 2 April – 7.00pm – Saintfield Baptist
  • Monday 3 April 8.00pm Iron Hall Belfast
  • Tuesday 4 April 8.00pm Ballee Baptist

At all midweek meetings there will be a ‘TAKE HEED’ bookstall

  • ‘Kingdom Come’ – Should you go?

This article is an edited version of an article that was posted to our ministry website. I have had to edit it because to reproduce it in full in this newsletter would have filled the newsletter in its entirety [and probably more]. As you read through this article I will insert another boxed statement that will indicate what has been edited out. If you would like to receive a photocopy of the full article then just request it.

Following the costly ecumenical venture ‘Power to Change’ launched September 2002 and the emotionally charged ‘Passion Movie and Café’ launched in the early months of 2004 [That was the ‘evangelical’ café-outreach whose organisers sought clandestinely to have Roman Catholic involvement. Again you can refresh your memory by following this link ] it was inevitable that, given time, yet another major ‘initiative’ purporting to be ‘evangelical’ would be ‘marketed’ by many of the leading figures involved in these previous and for many, mostly now forgotten items of history. The September 2005 issue of the ‘Christian Irishman’ [An official publication of the Board of Mission of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland] included an article and an advert for the following planned event

  • KINGDOM COME…more than words
  • 30th January – 2nd February 2006
  • Ulster Hall and Europa Hotel – Belfast

According to the KINGDOM COME website this event ‘is a joint initiative of Evangelical Alliance and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, steered by senior church officials from a range of denominations…seeking to bring leaders together to inspire and encourage in our mission task…The programme is geared to help us engage in mission…We think this is perhaps the first time an attempt has been made to bring together over 600 leaders, clergy and laity, from across Ireland, under a mission banner and steered by such a group’.

In the article in the ‘Christian Irishman’, the author, Stephen Cave [General Secretary of NI Evangelical Alliance] predicted that those who attend ‘will be experiencing a very concrete demonstration of evangelical unity’ and he asked for prayer ‘that through this effort God may start to do a new thing across Ireland, as his people acknowledge their unity in Christ and move from there to reach Ireland for Jesus’. As always I would truly welcome every faithful endeavour to reach the lost [in Ireland or wherever] with the true ‘evangel’ of “Jesus Christ and him crucified”. However, as I looked at for example the list of ‘guest speakers’ and the make-up of the ‘steering group’ for this KINGDOM COME venture, it was clear to me that most of the names read like a ‘Who’s who’ of ecumenical compromisers, masquerading under the once-noble title of ‘evangelicals’. Yes, they may predict ‘a very concrete demonstration of evangelical unity’, but the problem is that over the recent decades these men and others have totally redefined and debased the term ‘evangelical’ by their public pronouncements and practices. By way of illustration the following pages list a number of those involved together with some details of their compromise of the historical understanding of the term ‘evangelical’. Some others are also listed along with ‘Details that don’t encourage evangelical confidence ’.

At this point in this article I have edited out the compromising and confidence-discouraging ‘pen-portraits’ of 10 people who are as follows:

Ravi Zacharias: Anne Graham Lotz: Joel Edwards: Bishop Ken Clarke: Rev Trevor Morrow: Pastor Paul Reid: Stephen Cave: Evangelist J John: Rev Colin Sinclair: Mark Greene:

Earlier I referred to this ‘Kingdom Come’ initiative as being ‘marketed’. In the article in the ‘Christian Irishman’, the author, Stephen Cave [General Secretary of NI Evangelical Alliance] wrote

‘A special outreach event is planned for the Waterfront Hall, Belfast on Sunday night, 29 January 2006, preceding Kingdom Come. It will be entitled “More than Words” and will feature Ann Graham-Lotz, with music from various Irish artists. The Kingdom Come steering group are encouraging churches to plan to bring their evening congregations along, bearing in mind it will have an evangelistic theme. It is hoped to keep costs to a minimum, with tickets costing in the region of £8.00. Churches can block book tickets in advance. To register please contact us on…

Stephen Cave also wrote

‘Even the locations we will be using for me hold a tremendous significance. The Ulster Hall and Europa Hotel combined with rooms in Grosvenor House and Spires, amongst others, mean that the very heart of Belfast should be buzzing with 1000 or so ministers, elders, youth leaders, Sunday School teachers, community workers and many others. What an opportunity that is in itself to have an impact on so many people that we will encounter during the event’.

I can think of no better way to close than by [again] quoting from Iain Murray’s booklet [‘The Unresolved Controversy’]

‘He [Dr Lloyd-Jones] knew that the progress of the gospel today is not obstructed by new and unique problems which an adherence to Scripture cannot answer. The one great problem in every age is that “the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God”. The first need of men and women today is exactly the same as in the apostolic era or as in the days of Whitefield and Wesley: it is the need of regeneration’.

No amount of trendy ‘marketing’ or co-operation between those who have a track record of ecumenical compromise [or as in the case of some people {as you can read in one of the ‘pen-portraits} the ‘expounding’ of elements of the Christian message supposedly contained in Box-office hit movies] will guarantee that “as many as were ordained to eternal life believed” [Acts 13:48] and it may well be that this venture will serve to swell the numbers of those who “have believed in vain” [1st Corinthians 15:2] – people who according to Pastor John MacArthur in his Study Bible notes ‘may have had a shallow non-saving faith…i.e. they were convinced the gospel was true but had no love for God, Christ and righteousness. True believers “hold fast” to the gospel (cf. John 8:31; 2nd Corinthians 13:5; 1 John 2:24; 2nd John 9).

It also may well be that God, in His great mercy, may see fit to sovereignly move and save at ‘Kingdom Come’, despite all the ‘ecumenical/evangelical infidelity’ of those taking part that I have catalogued, and if so, then I will truly share the “joy in heaven” [Luke 15:7]. However, such a possibility, does not absolve faithful evangelicals from answering the question ‘Kingdom Come: Should you go?’ with a resounding, factually assessed, Biblically reasoned and Biblically based, ‘No’.


In 1 Corinthians 14:33 Paul wrote, “God is not the author of confusion”. That being the case we can draw very good conclusions as to who is ‘the author of confusion’. On 2nd June 2005 the following letter was sent to Kenneth Copeland Ministries in Bath, England.

Dear Kenneth Copeland Ministries,

Recently I have become a little bit CONFUSED by something I read that was written by Mr Copeland that seems to contradict other teaching put out by Mr Copeland. In the ‘Introduction’ to his book ‘The Laws of Prosperity’ Mr Copeland wrote [page 7] ‘It didn’t occur to me that the Bible was written by the most successful individual alive – God!’

I am CONFUSED because I also have an audio tape by Mr Copeland on which he teaches ‘I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is – near everybody you ask…they say “Judas” – someone else will say…”Adam” or “how about the devil”…But he’s not the biggest failure in terms of material failure and so forth. The biggest failure in the whole Bible is God’ and Mr Copeland then goes on to detail why he teaches that God is ‘the biggest failure’.

So on the one hand Mr Copeland teaches that God is ‘the most successful individual alive’ and on the other hand Mr Copeland teaches that God is ‘the biggest failure’.

Can you clear up this CONFUSION for me – I’d be very grateful?

On 12th July 2005, having received no reply, the following short letter was sent to Kenneth Copeland Ministries

On 2nd June I wrote to you in relation to a matter that was causing me some CONFUSION – attached herewith is a copy of that letter and I hope to hear from you soon by way of reply.

Perhaps, not very surprisingly, a reply is still awaited from Kenneth Copeland Ministries.


In 1990 at a conference in London the Lord providentially brought me into contact with Bart Brewer and his wife Ruth and we immediately ‘hit it off’ and became good friends. Bart had for a number of years been a Roman Catholic Carmelite priest and then the Lord graciously saved him and eventually led him to establish ‘Mission to Catholics’ based in San Diego. The story of Bart’s time as a Roman Catholic priest and his subsequent conversion are told in his book ‘Pilgrimage from Rome’.

Bart, accompanied by Ruth, was the joint-first overseas speaker [along with Dave Hunt accompanied by his wife Ruth] that I hosted for meetings here in Northern Ireland back in 1994 and, in partnership, Bart and Dave participated in the first public debate that ‘Take Heed’ organised called ‘Should Protestants and Roman Catholics Worship Together?’ One of the highlights for Margaret and myself was spending a few days in Scotland with Bart and Ruth once the meetings were finished. They were jolly, fun people [can Margaret and I ever forget Ruth livening up her plain white trainers with the aid of a black felt-tip marker pen?] but even on holiday Bart never ceased, as the Lord gave him openings, to witness to those still captive to the Roman Catholic religion – I’m sure the 2 nuns that he spoke to in the grounds of Culzean Castle were never so graciously witnessed to because that was Bart’s ‘trademark’ – zealous for the truth of the Gospel but ever mindful that whilst the message of the cross will give offence, he the messenger must not.

It was a great joy for Margaret and myself to visit and stay with Bart and Ruth in San Diego in 1996 and I was able to participate as a speaker at the conference he hosted at the ‘Mission to Catholics’ complex on 18th May 1996. In June 2004 whilst ministering in California for several weeks I was again able to spend some days with Bart and Ruth down in San Diego. It was evident that ill health was taking its toll but that twinkle in his eyes never dimmed and his love for his Lord was as strong as ever. It is very true that there are certain people that we meet along the road of life who truly enrich our own lives. Bart Brewer was one of those people as is also, his now widow, Ruth. Just as Paul wrote of the Christians in Philippi “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you” so Margaret and I thank our God, who was also Bart’s God, upon every remembrance of one gracious, gentle, giant of a “good and faithful servant”, Bart Brewer.

Bart’s earthly ‘Pilgrimage from Rome’ ended in September and he has now “entered into the joy of his Lord” but, as his pastor wrote in the email informing me of Bart’s death, Bart’s message to those still deceived by Roman Catholicism, would graciously and in love be, ‘No priest but Christ; no sacrifice but Calvary; no authority but the Word of God; no confessional but the Throne of God’s Grace’.

Do please prayerfully remember Bart’s widow, Ruth, and his son, Steve.

  • ‘Dear Muslim neighbour’

As I explained in the yellow insert with my last newsletter I was in the process of arranging the publication of an outreach tract entitled ‘Dear Muslim neighbour’. I want to say a sincere ‘thank you’ to all who contributed towards the cost [around 97% in total] of printing the 10,000 tracts. Enclosed with this newsletter is a copy of the tract and if you feel that you could use a supply of these tracts for outreach purposes then they can be ordered from me. The cost per tract would be £0.10 and I would ask that an allowance of 20% of the cost of the tracts ordered be added to help with postage costs. [Cheques should be payable to ‘Take Heed’ Publications]. VCY America Christian Radio again interviewed me on 3 November for almost 1 hour about this tract and audio cassettes of the interview can be ordered from me [price £2.50]. Above all please pray that the Lord will use these tracts to reach many with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Practical help in the wake of ‘Katrina’ & ‘Wilma’

Those on my mailing list in the U K received an appeal circular from me outlining damage done to Bayou DuLarge Baptist Church in Southern Louisiana. I had the privilege of speaking there [along with ex Roman Catholics Richard Bennett and Mike Gendron] back in 1999. This is the church that as a ministry we were able to send financial help to following an ‘excess’ of generous contributions a few years ago to the appeal to send creation videos to all UK MPs. At the beginning of November the total gifts given [£2680.00] converted into $4720.00 and were posted to Pastor Jerry Moser. His humble and moving expression of thanks is included as an enclosure to all those who so generously gave.

Ongoing support for ‘Take Heed’

As the above 2 items show, those who receive NEWS FROM THE FRONT have given graciously and often sacrificially to support both the work and witness of ‘Take Heed’. As this year 2005 ends may I again commend this ministry to you for your ongoing prayerful and practical support? Matters such as our day-to-day living costs etc are met in part by Margaret’s salary as a practice nurse but in faith, we also look to our ‘Take Heed’ friends for support. To those who do support us regularly and faithfully we say a big ‘thank you’ – your love to us in Him is much appreciated. May His gracious blessing rest on you all in 2006 [DV].