Ministry Update Letter : July 2015 – December 2015

Ministry Update Letter :  July 2015 – December 2015

Ministry Update Letter : July 2015 – December 2015


Dear praying friends and supporters of ‘Take Heed’, Following on from my letter in June the second half of 2015 included a ‘landmark’ date where ‘Take Heed’ Ministries was concerned. It was back on 1 st September 1990 that I launched the ministry so on 1 st September 2015 the ministry marked its 25th anniversary. A short article was posted to the ministry web site and I made reference to ‘biblical mathematics’. In that short article I wrote –

TWENTY-FIVE is evidently the number for the FORGIVENESS of sins… The number TWENTYFIVE is connected with a PARDON for Jehoiachin, King of Judah. Read Jeremiah 52:31-32. Jeremiah states that Jehoiachin’s prison garments were changed and that he did eat bread before him all the days of his life (v 33). Here is a picture of a pardoned sinner. This happened on the TWENTY-FIFTH day of the month. What a beautiful picture of Christ who forgives our sins, changes our garments and feeds us on the bread of life all of our days… How fitting that on this anniversary the emphasis when considering ‘25’ should be on the gracious saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ and not on any “reasonable service” (Romans 12:1).

Over the course of those 25 years the Lord has blessed me with very good health with no major or lengthy health issues. However towards the end of September that was to change as I found myself suffering from shingles. I had often heard people say that shingles are painful and do you know what? – They were right. In the wake of coming down with this ailment I put a post on Facebook and many people appreciated the spiritual application. This is part of what I posted on 28 September –

I was thinking about how this condition appears. Apparently I have been carrying within me the viral ‘root cause’ of chickenpox that I suffered from as a child. That was ostensibly cured but for decades something has been ‘lurking’ within me and given the right circumstances (stress, strain, and immune defences down) it could flare up as shingles. One medical dictionary describes it – “During an attack of chickenpox MOST of the viral organisms are destroyed but SOME survive and LIE DORMANT … remaining there for many years … a decline in the efficiency of the immune system allows the viruses to re-emerge and cause shingles”. That made me think of what Paul wrote in Romans 7:20 where we read “Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me”. Even though we have been “saved” from sin’s condemnation the ‘seed/virus’ of residual sin can flare up again in circumstances where we are spiritually stressed and strained – look at Peter and how around a fire in the grounds of the High Priest’s house he reverted to sinful foul language to deny the Lord. He was ‘stressed and strained’ by what was happening to the Lord and by what might happen to him and so he succumbed to “sin that dwelleth in (him)”.How appropriate that God used him to pen the inspired words of 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, like a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour”. What a lesson to “take heed”.

With the advent in late September of the shingles my output of written articles for the web site and media postings for the YouTube site dropped dramatically as I simply was unable to comfortably do the necessary research and writing etc. However prior to that and from the time of my mid-year letter covering January – June, I had been able to post quite a number of articles etc and I shall shortly give details of them Moving briefly to ministry matters and activity, despite the discomfort of shingles I was able to meet all speaking engagements (thanks to the effects of carefully timed painkillers) and I am glad to report that a number of those were, after a gap of a few years, return visits to mark the ‘Take Heed’ 25th anniversary and were well received.

Now, as I mentioned above, quite a number of assorted articles were posted to the web site and I want now to mention a number and quote brief extracts from them.


Extracts from my Facebook post of 22nd June 2015

If anyone doubts the spiritually pernicious nature of THE ALPHA COURSE and those associated with it (like NICKY GUMBEL) then (consider) some of the other guest speakers/contributors at the recent ALPHA LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE in London in May.

‘FATHER’ Raniero Cantalmessaa (THE Papal Preacher)

‘CARDINAL’ Vincent Nicholls (Head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales)

JOYCE MEYER (‘Word of Faith’ “preacher”)

Others (who took part) may well have contributed to this continuing misrepresentation of The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the Church He is building.


This article was the lead article in the British Church Newspaper of 4 September 2015 (No. 313) and it is reproduced here with kind permission.

‘After the Rev. Nicky Gumbel, Director of the Alpha courses met both the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury in June… The Roman Catholic Church (R.C.) selected him as one of their five keynote speakers at a major evangelisation conference, ‘Proclaim ‘15’, at which over 900 delegates attended… Gumbel spoke of the ‘ever-closer’ relationship between the Papacy and the work of Alpha, which now operates in almost all countries… All five R.C. archbishops of England and Wales attended ‘Proclaim ’15’, held at Birmingham’s Repertory Theatre, along with many ‘ecumenical guests’. A member of Pope Francis’s Rome-based Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation was also present… Further evidence of closer-than-ever relations between Alpha, the Papacy and the C of E came in May, at a week-long Alpha Leadership Conference held at various venues, including Holy Trinity Brompton and the Royal Albert Hall’

If anyone doubts how ALPHA is being used to foster false ecumenism then these brief extracts from my June and September articles should dispel any such doubts. ‘Dreams, visions, divine voices and appearances’: Does God still communicate like this today? On 9th June 2015 Phil Johnson, Executive Director of “Grace to You” (linked to John MacArthur) was interviewed on this topic by Chris Arnzen, host of the Christian radio program called ‘Iron Sharpens Iron’. I think this was a very helpful interview… I would encourage you to listen to this whole program and you can do so by going to the following link –

In closing, from my own perspective, this is a matter that I have addressed in times past and this is what I wrote in a ministry newsletter back in June 2006 and that is located on this link –

PS – In my June letter I asked for prayer for an hour-long interview that I had arranged to give on 1st July with Chris Arnzen on his ‘Iron Sharpens Iron’ radio programme. Sincere thanks for your prayers – I believe the interview went well and was Christ-honouring and can be heard on –

SCAPULAR SUPERSTITION ‘On a recent short visit to the Cork area in the south of Ireland, Margaret and I spent an afternoon having a look at the shops in the centre of Cork City itself… During my ‘browsing’ I noticed a number of men and women handing out something to shoppers as they were either entering or leaving ‘Penney’s’ on St Patrick’s Street. Having ‘loitered with intent’ I was approached by one lady who engaged me in conversation about the ‘Merits of Mary’ and how in particular the use of a SCAPULAR would be of great spiritual blessing and benefit to me. She offered me a free SCAPULAR and I said I would accept it if she would in turn accept something from me. That something was a free DVD of the Revelation TV debate that I took part in back in 2012 with Jesuit Priest, Keith McMillan. After mulling it over she declined my offer and moved on… However another lady of the group started to talk to me and I explained about my swap suggestion so she went to the first lady to have a chat with her. At this point one of the men of the group joined in and I showed the DVD and he was keen to take it, even thinking he would make copies to distribute. I didn’t seek to ‘put him right’ and left the DVD with him and accepted the SCAPULAR from the first lady who had rejoined the conversation. At this point I would invite you to pray that the Lord might use that DVD to deliver these zealous folks from the sad delusion that is beguiling them’

PS Here is just one example, among many false hopes/promises that Scapular wearers are relying on “I, the Mother of Grace, shall descend on the Saturday after their death, and whosoever I shall find in purgatory (who was wearing the scapular at the hour of death) I shall free (for heaven)!” Other articles (usually with links to videos on the ministry YouTube site) included

Rodney Howard Browne at Kensington Temple A re-run of blasphemous ‘Holy Laughter’.



Once again I have been greatly heartened and encouraged by feedback recently received and I would like now to include extracts from some of those messages –

Dear Sir, thank you for preaching the unperverted gospel. I have been enlightened by your YouTube videos. I find you a lone voice in this mission field of reaching those who have fallen for the false gospel. I am daunted at how much I must know to counter their misconceptions. You have given such good structure and approach. This is new territory to me. I feel a bit braver since I have been learning so much from Take Heed Ministries. I appreciate your boldness, not the least because it is also enveloped in gentlemanliness and kindness, and a true heart for reaching, not just the lost, but the lost who are lost because they have been lied to. May God continue to bless & keep you. LCK

Your radio program (Iron Sharpens Iron) on the subject of ‘Cults’ was both informative and interesting. ‘Alpha 2015 Leadership Conference’ took us both by surprise. Not only Joyce Meyer but the Roman Catholic hierarchy on the same platform and the crowd appeared ‘Blind to the fact.’ Your ministry has encouraged us to search the Scripture to help us understand the Lord’s Word more fully. Keep up the sterling work. God Richly Bless you. A & H

I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to come across a ministry “after my own heart”! There seem to be so few today in this age of apostasy, and as you say tolerant at the expense of Truth! I first “discovered” you just yesterday when I saw a YouTube video regarding Rick Warren and the Emergent Church… today I’m looking at your website and the article on Tim Keller caught my eye. I had seen everything you were talking about including a YouTube video of him “dancing around” for a good 10-15 minutes trying not to answer the question “Is Jesus really the ONLY way?”… I love your website and your discernment of false doctrine and false prophets and teachers in these End Times! God bless you DS

‘Traffic’ on the Ministry web site and YouTube site continues to grow as these statistics show (Bracket figures for June 2015). Truly “The word of God is not bound” (2 Timothy 2:9)

Ministry web site visits 789,675 (655,588)

YouTube videos/audios 162 (157)

YouTube viewings 465,545 (371,098)

YouTube subscribers 1732 (1437)

Enclosed with this letter is a DVD of my talk on ‘ISLAM’ that I gave earlier this year in Braehill Baptist – this is such a relevant topic and I pray that it may be a blessing. I do apologise to those living outside the UK that I don’t have any NTSC DVD copies. If sadly you can’t play this PAL DVD, there is no need to return it to me.

Online readers can views this talk on

As 2016 approaches, your prayers for our ongoing spiritual and physical well-being will be as ever greatly appreciated. In closing and particularly in this 25th anniversary year I want to sincerely thank each of you for your support of ‘Take Heed’ over those years, whether prayerful or practical, and in so many cases, both. Once again, if you would like to continue to support practically then please make use of the enclosed yellow **‘support letter’**. With every good wish in Christ

Cecil Andrews **

For ‘ONLINE’ readers, if you wish to support the ministry, this ‘support letter’ can be printed off from the next page. Alternatively you can make an ‘ONLINE DONATION’ via the ministry web site by going to this link

Take Heed” Ministries ‘Support Letter’

Dear Cecil, I wish to support the ongoing work and ministry of ‘Take Heed’ and enclose herewith my gift of £

(Cheques should be made payable to ‘Take Heed’ Ministries).







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  • ‘Take Heed’ Ministries
  • 29 Edengrove Park
  • Ballynahinch
  • Co Down
  • BT24 8AZ