Earlier today I engaged in conversation with two Mormon girls who were doing ‘outreach’ in Lisburn – ‘Sister Thu’ and ‘Sister Coffman’. Our conversation was friendly and in the course of it I asked them how their
‘Jesus’ received his earthly body. They replied that it was through the Virgin Mary and the Holy Ghost. They were rather surprised then when I told them their church taught otherwise.
They accepted a ministry card with the ministry web site address and if in
God’s providence they go to it I hope they will see this article-listing, and
if so, if they go pages 6-7 on this link
they will be able to read the quotes I referred to that demonstrate that their
understanding of Christ’s conception does not line up with official pronouncements by leading Mormon figures including Brigham Young.
Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 22 November 2018