Take Heed Talks The Emerging Church - What was/is it? 'Lessons from Letters' (part 1) 'Lessons from Letters' (part 2) Confronting 'Ecumenical Compromise' & 'Excessive Charismania' Confronting 'Emerging Concepts' & 'End-time Doctrinal Declension' Jesus Christ: Son of God and God the Son ‘Evangelicalism and Roman Catholicism’ - 1. ‘Unpicking the double-speak’ ‘Evangelicalism and Roman Catholicism’ - 2. ‘Unmasking the deceivers’ ‘The Papacy’: A talk by Cecil Andrews Isle of Man messages – by Cecil 1. Rick Warren and things Purpose Driven Isle of Man messages – by Cecil 2. Lessons from Titus Isle of Man messages – by Cecil 3. The ‘gay Christian’ concept? Are we living in the days of Seducing Spirits? Personal testimony given by Cecil Andrews on 23rd August 2009 Person and Work of Jesus Christ - Cecil Andrews