Global Day of Prayer: Sunday 4th June 2006

According to the ‘Transformations Ireland’ website  the next ‘Global Day of Prayer’ is scheduled for Sunday 4th June 2006 and locally the event will, as last year, be staged at Stormont in Belfast. The website gives the names of the local committee as follows –

Ian Ballentine, Margaret Clarke, Niall Griffin, David Hamilton, Larry Kelly, Peter Murray, Priscilla Reid, Mairisine Stanfield

These members represent what I would describe as an ecumenical, charismatic mix. For instance, Larry Kelly was one of the ‘testimonies’ in the Roman Catholic publication ‘Adventures in Reconciliation’ where he was introduced in these words – ‘Larry leads the Lamb of God Community in North Belfast and has been a pioneer in interdenominational relationships in Belfast over the past 20 years. A trustee of the Christian Renewal Centre in Rostrevor [ultra ecumenical and charismatic] Larry leads cross-denominational ALPHA [need I say more?] Bible Study Courses in Belfast’

Ian Ballentine and Niall Griffin are both listed on the Audio Tape Resource list of the Christian Renewal Centre in Rostrevor where they have both given talks on SOMA [Sharing of Ministries Abroad] which is an Anglican based organisation.

In the February 1995 issue of the then ecumenical and charismatic publication called BREAD Niall Griffin told of how he was ‘Freed from Freemasonry’ and towards the end of the article he wrote – ‘My experience came about when I was lent a copy of the book “Nine O’clock in the Morning” by Dennis Bennett. While I was reading something began to change within me. The Holy Spirit began to work and of course the whole church was affected’.

The birth of the modern Charismatic Movement is generally traced back to the experience of Dennis Bennett as told in this book and unlike ‘Old-style Pentecostalism’ this new movement infiltrated and ingrained itself not only in the mainline Protestant denominations but also within Roman Catholicism.

Priscilla Reid is the wife of Paul Reid who is Pastor of the ecumenical and charismatic Christian Fellowship Church in Belfast, which was a major ‘distribution centre’ some years ago of the so-called ‘Toronto Blessing’. Despite the teaching of God’s Word to the contrary Priscilla Reid serves as an ‘elder’ in the CFC church.

Presbyterian Youth into unscriptural ecumenism. For the full story on that you can go to this link on our website and read the article Presbyterianism and ‘State-Sponsored Peace’

Although he is not named in the article David Stanfield was involved in the planning of the initiative in his capacity as ‘Chairman of the Reconciliation Working Group’. Despite the teaching of God’s Word to the contrary Mairisine Stanfield serves as Presbyterian minister in my hometown of Ballynahinch. In the Alpha Course Directory [November 2002-February 2003] the listing for ‘Alpha Co-ordinator’ for Northern Ireland read as follows – ‘Mr & Revd David & Mairisine Stanfield, Ballynahinch’.

‘Transformations Ireland’ have a link on their website to ‘Transformation Africa’ and on that website we read the following

After having seen the Transformation video by George Otis in February 2000, and specifically the Cali Columbia story in which the Pastors had started praying together for their City, and the major turnaround it had brought, Graham Power, a successful businessman and relatively new convert, received the first of a two-part Vision from God in July 2000.

The sad reality is that the whole ‘Transformation’ concept is based upon the now discredited claims that were made in the ‘Transformation Video’ referred to above. Helpful information on these issues can be found on these links –

On the ‘Transformations Ireland’ website it states the following

Our concern has been to see prayer take place and to encourage relationships amongst Christians across all denominations. To this end we have organised a number of successful prayer breakfasts, Leaders retreat days, worship and intercession concerts, bimonthly prayer meetings in Stormont (praying for our politicians) and most recently the [2005] Global Day of Prayer event.

As I have shown, by inserting in brackets above, this portion made reference to the 2005 ‘Global Day of Prayer’. God’s people need to be alerted to the hidden, unbiblical agenda that is being pursued around the world through these ‘Global days of Prayer’ and Sarah Leslie of the USA-based Discernment-Ministries Inc wrote a very informative 2-part article exposing this ‘hidden agenda’ and the links to those articles are as follows –


I commend these articles to you as they once more expose the political influences and agendas that are clearly manipulating the global initiatives of many of today’s so-called influential ‘evangelicals’. Locally God’s people should pray against the dark and evil forces to be found at the heart of the thinking behind this ‘Global Day of Prayer’ initiative.

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 24 April 2006